You can't just stop me from unraping people, Joker
You can't just stop me from unraping people, Joker
Alright, I never played Persona, but my curiosity has risen. What the fuck happened in the game's plot?
>I can make a fake reality where everyone is happy real with your help
Including a girl who's raped in the first hour of the game not get raped.
That's the meme.
basically the OP is the antagonist of the newest royal version of the game, and his evil diabolical plan is creating a world where no one suffers
because if there's no unhappiness in the world, how can there be happiness?
it wouldn't have been fake. artificial, but not fake
he was going to rewrite reality itself
It really was a good plan.
It wasn't like, say, ao no kiseki where the guy was going to rewrite history so his people were happy at the expense of literally everyone else, there was really no catch.
Literally my palace.
It's just FFTA
Cope Maruki, you trample over my freedom I'll trample over you
>about to get cucked by a loli and her team of his exfriends
>"Doc I don't know I kinda feel like my life lost purpose because I'm always happy"
>makes you feel happy about being happy
>"wow, thanks Doc!"
this makes the Joker seethe
My issue with his proposal is it has so many unexplained aspects I just can't accept it:
>What happens when people die (if not by illness or accident then just old age)
>Did he actually bring back Futaba's mother or is she just a construct of her and everyone's memories/imagination
>Are we actually in the world he creates or locked in a sort of stasis state like the general population was in the (now) second to last dungeon
>If he's directing the world to make everyone happy, does that mean every thing that happens is under his control or is it a short range world only as large as say the population of Japan
He was literally altering reality, if he wanted, death would cease to exist
It's not healthy.
>man with the weakest problem tells other people with much more serious problems to suck it up
Wtf is a fake reality? Goro said that the people raised back from the dead were actually alive, wasn't an illusion or trick. He was actually reality bending.
Joker's just a selfish dick to his friends and knows if they're happy they won't grow dependent on them. Of course since he's the MC in a persona game marketed towards basement dwelling autists, he's always right.
Neither is being dead.
>there are people who don't understand why maruki's plan is wrong when you there's a party member whose place in the story mainly revolves around how maruki's distortion didn't actually fix her life, and would have robbed her of her identity and the chance to come to terms with herself and her circumstances and feel greater satisfaction and motivation
>i believe in free will
>people choose to give up their free will to be permanently happy
>[autistic screeching intensifies]
What was the name of that hitler manga again?
>imagine causing the chain of events that eventually ended your life because of the word Waffles
>haha just imagine
a big point in the game is helping people that are troubled and don't realize they need help/don't think they want help... see the shujin students at the beginning, yusuke, populace affected by the holy grail, and later those brainwashed by maruki. your party members get their persona evolutions, proof of growing as people, when they become resolute in sticking to true freedom and not wanting maruki to decide their fate.
>maruki's distortion didn't actually fix her life
it's almost like he hadn't gotten the power to alter the whole world at that point
Maruki's powers are the same through all the game, It's just that with Yaldy's powers he can do it on a global scale
nothing says growth like being raped
I don't give a shit about the new mary sue character Futaba has her mom back and I'm not killing her mom for some dumb bitch who rushed into traffic and got her sister killed.
and? he clearly believes to have sufficiently saved her at the start of the new year, and based on who was alive and needing to be "saved", he would be totally fine with effectively writing certain insecure people out of reality. it's also implied/suggested that maruki doesn't know too well how to fix certain 'normal' people's situations so he just sets them down completely different paths, arguable making them different people as well.
The Phantom Thieves become time jannies at the end of the game, I should have known they were related for having phantom in their names
Makoto's fat fucking brap blaster
literally what the fuck does it matter when he can make everyone happy anyways holy shit
This is the best vidya game in years
i hope time jannies fits for the gang name when I start royale