Can I expect a 1660ti to get me through most of next gen at 60fps/1080p...

Can I expect a 1660ti to get me through most of next gen at 60fps/1080p? What kind of build do I need to keep up with xsex/ps5?

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You probably need at least a 2070S

>What kind of build do I need to keep up with xsex/ps5?
Definitely something that supports hardware ray tracing.

2070s will be the bare minimum to play games at 1080p/60 after the new consoles come out.

Nigger at 1660ti won't even get you through the current gen at 1080p 60fps.

2070 Super is top tier for performance/value, 2080 Super or TI is a good way to go if you've got the deep pockets.

If you're strapped for cash weigh up the cost of getting a used 1070 vs a 1660ti, the 1070 is a better card and at least where I am can be had for significantly less.

>even thinking about getting a 1660ti

I'm not buying into the ray tracing meme and I don't expect many devs to successfully take advantage of it.

My gtx 770 got me through the entire ps4 gen of games.


>people aiming for 60 fps in 2020

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whats the point of running games unlocked with out a freesync monitor or playing multiplayer games? 60fps is fine

I seriously doubt that consoles are going to be using anything better than a 2070s.

More than 60 fps is only important for FPS.

Xbox series x is already more powerful than 2080ti. What are you on about?

It'll be a miracle of the PS5 is even anywhere near a 2070 Super at this point.

they havent shown any gameplay yet stfu with things like that

No it's not, it's slower than a 2080 ti, about the same as a 2080 super.

You'll be fine unless you want to play shitty AAA titles. Doom Eternal runs fine for me using nightmare settings.


Those consoles are made for 4k gaming. Why would retail graphic card be totally raped in 1080p in new gen?

Paper specs put it as being slower than a 2080ti, and the real world specs will be considerably slower due to how shit console cooling is.

It'll probably end up being about as good as a 2070 Super.

a 1080ti will get you through all of next gen
best idea tho is to wait for the 4000 series because that will be out by the time ps4 and xbox one stop getting new games

>he didn't get a 1080ti last gen

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>Why would retail graphic card be totally raped in 1080p in new gen?

That card couldn't even do 1080p/60fps in RDR2, let alone next gen.

God no. I got a ZOTAC 980ti AMP! Extreme which was the best card on the market before the new gen and it probably would have stopped hitting 60fps at 1080 a year or two ago. Tough to tell because I play on 2K but I have to turn it down to High settings now and still only get into the 40's

>they never tried 1440p 144hz gsync

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This is a fucking lie

2070 S price drops when

Eeehhh, it MIGHT, depends on a game.

Don't buy shit now to compete with consoles. Nvidia will life up a leg and fart out a $250 console killer that they only make 500% profit on rather than 1000% to keep PC from losing market share if the consoles are any good.

It's literally an equivalent of mobile 1070, what are you smoking?

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The series x will have at minimum an RTX 2070 super probably rtx 2080 equivalent gpu. Gpus right now have shit value compared to before the crypto currency catastrophe where subhumans bought as many video cards they could get their greasy hands all to net chump change in profit. I believe you should wait until the new consoles released so maybe AMD and Nvidia stop being kikes for just one moment and lower prices and release new card that deliver pre-crypto value.

Probably should be enough. My 1070ti will get me through the next 2-4 years once i add in a second one. Might even be enough for higher fps.

Not until the 3000 series hits, and even then the 2070s price might not drop given how fucking insane the specs and potentially the price on the 3000 series will be.

The PSU isn't powerful enough to run even your normal desktop GTX1080. Dude, just stop.

after 20 years of pc faggot gamers feelling like they have the edge, they better watch out cause console gamers can smell the blood

Whatever you do, don't go for SLI, the performance gains are minimal (if there's any at all) and compatibility is woeful, you'll be better off investing in upgrading to a single card.

I have been in desperate need of building a new rig for months now, I finally have enough saved up to build one, I was torn between the 1660ti and a 2060. I want to play shit like RDR2 and Cyberpunk just in 1080p but in 144Hz. Gonna have to buy a $300 monitor for that.

Should I drop the extra hundo on a 2060, or do you guys think I might make a significant save if I hold out for another couple of months and get a 2070?

My PC budget is around $1200-1300 CAD.

I'm waiting for RDNA2
Based mommy Su is going to save the day yet again


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Consoles stopped being good value once paid online happened.

This is blatantly not true, it absolutely can handle 1080p with no issues. If you're playing on a higher resolution or require more than 6GB VRAM that's when that card begins to struggle.

>after 20 years of pc faggot gamers feelling like they have the edge, they better watch out cause console gamers can smell the blood

What blood? For the first time in console history PC's already have better specs before the consoles have even released, typically consoles have a 6-12 month lead, now they're already years behind, and when the 3000 series hits they're going to be close to a decade behind.

From what I've seen of the stats they merit the purchase if you're buying at discount.

I'm hoping my 1060 gets me through the next couple of years. I just lost my job and I'm not in a hurry to get another one

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