My asian friends are playing the english dub while my white friends are playing the jap dub. Why are people like this?
My asian friends are playing the english dub while my white friends are playing the jap dub. Why are people like this?
You don't have any friends
Voice acting is always better and less cringe when you dont understand it
They're asian australians, they understand it well
>Why are people like this?
the green is always grasser on the other side
people don't do that unless they are faggots
Because otaku never make anything of themselves and stay in there home country while weebs are home grown.
In either case Japanese voice acting has gone down the kwaii desu shitter with average japs who don't buy anime being done with the over the top ugu~ shit while otaku continue to eat up the softcore hentai parading around like its real media, but they buy the garbage so they get to chose how it's made. Jap voice acting was better 20 years ago but now its garbage and anyone telling you otherwise is a coomer.
>My asian friends
Are your Asian friends Japanese? Do you even know?
if he's in Australia they are chinks
There are many problems with the EN dubbing.
>translation is ass
>balancing/mixing is really off and places the voices more towards the "front" which sounds strange compared to the JP track
>voices don't really match the characters well outside of Barret
They really did the game horribly wrong in this regard, but EOPs are idiots who don't give a shit whether their product is actually good quality, so fuck it.
i turn off the voices and blast the music
subfags never provide anything more complex than "it sounds bad to me" or "X voice doesn't match Y character"
>translation is ass
is compelling enough argument for me
not enough honorifics for ya, weeb?
what more compelling argument do you need then 'it sounds bad'. If I'm gonna hear shitty delivery, I'd rather just read it set the tone to how I want in my head.
That's why the old text based games were so good. You didn't have shitty VA ruining the tone you set for yourself.
I wish there was an option to turn off dialogue altogether.
Cloud and Barret are alright
>It's not polite... to stare, you know...
asians care about efficiency
whites care about bragging that they are going through "authentic experience"
Japanese version is superior. Eng dub is for faggots
Your Asian friends are probably normal and your white friends are probably weeaboos.
Exaggerated, but not entirely untrue. A lot of the reasons I started teaching myself Japanese seven years ago have been left in the past.
I've only played the demo and watched parts of the full game on Youtube, but the localization seems pretty good to me. The banter is a lot better in English at any rate. The Japanese banter in the demo was meh and it doesn't seem any different in the main game either.
>pic related scene
>make sure johnny dont snitch
>make sure shinra dong find out
>no dont do that youre scaring me
fucking what the hell this was the most reasonable thing cloud could do and they gotta anime it up and make sure cloud dont kill the losers on screen that he kills in battle.
I cant fucking stand weeabos, they are nothing but a bunch of hipsters. I'm from japan and Japanese people based almost all anime off of American culture. Japan isn't even that cool. Its over priced and most of the people are socially awkward retards. No Japanese girl thinks you are sexy dressing up like a fag and coming to japan.
>asian australians
whats their first language because thats all that really matters, race is fairly irrelevent in this case
How is first language relevant? If they were born and raised here I don't give a shit what language they speak at home with their family
They just tried to make it sound a little more natural is all. I'd have translated it a little more closely, but the point of 見られると恥ずかしくてis to show that she doesn't want Cloud starring at her. She just comes right out and says why in Japanese, it embarrasses her. In English she covers it up with a little joke, something people might do in dark situations (and in fact, she could be doing the same thing in Japanese. Don't take everything you see in another language literally, kids), which you may or may not agree with if that was not the original intent, but the line is still saying "I don't like you staring at me", that's the subtext, and that's what matters in translation. Translation is not about writing the dictionary definition of every word, it's about conveying the meaning of those words, and entertainment translators—any good one anyway—will try to balance out the meaning with dialogue that sounds natural in the target language.
TL;DR: There's a lot more to translating than most people think, it can be hard enough doing it by yourself in fan translations, doing it with a team on a game with all its considerations plus voice acting thrown it, and not having total control, it gets even harder.
Just weebs being weebs
>Are your Asian friends Japanese?
Why does it even matter you weeb faggot
>told I’m Asian
>”are you from japan”
>they lost interest immediately
Why you faggots are like this
because if their first language is english listening to the english dub over the japanese is different than listening to the english dub if their first language is japanese
Japan seems like a neat place to visit, but I really don't think I'd want to live there. Was thinking about taking a trip there this fall to see the sights, see Kyoto in the fall, drop by some bars, chat with the locals go to a soapland, make use of a sexual service for smell fetishists. But coronavirus. Fuck.
Asian dub is wife voice
>wanting to listen to high-pitched voices that don't even match the western looking characters over this cutie's voice
I fucking hate weebs
>Why does it even matter you weeb faggot
Because obviously the chinese arent gonna understand the japanese dub
>go to a soapland, make use of a sexual service for smell fetishists
Redpill me, im a smellfag
Rub a dub dub, there's no such thing as a good translation.
holy shit look at those fucking ground textures