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5 letter C word

say it with me bros




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hi evewy1 im new!!!!!!! *howds up spowk* my name is chawotte but u can caw me t3h CuN3Y oF d00m!!!!!!!! wow…as u can see im vewy wandom!!!! thats why i came hewe, 2 meet wandom ppw wike me ^_^… im 13 yeaws owd (im matuwe 4 my age tho!!) i wike 2 watch invadew zim w/ my giwfweind (im bi if u dont wike it deaw w/it) its ouw favowite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO wandom!!!! shes wandom 2 of couwse but i want 2 meet mowe wandom ppw =) wike they say the mowe the mewiew!!!! wow…neways i hope 2 make awot of fweinds hewe so give me wots of commentses!!!!

chawwote have diawwea and wan out of toiwet papaw because hoawdaws

wtf is this real?!

Cute and F


Sunset found hew squatting in the gwass, gwoaning. Evewy stoow was woosew than the one befowe, and smewed fouwew. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting bwown watew. The mowe she dwank the mowe she shat, but the mowe she shat, the thiwstiew she gwew.

>little girls with big hair

this is my fetish

Imagine reading a post, but over the course of it the quality seems to deteriorate and it gets wose an wose, where the swenetence stwucture and gwammer rewerts to a pwoint of uttew non swence, an u jus dont wanna wead it anymwore (o´ω`o) awd twa wol owdewl iws jus awfwul (´・ω・`);. bwt tw powost iwswnwt obwer nyet, it gwos own an own an own an own. uwu wanyaa stwop weadwing bwut uwu cwant stop wewding, uwu stwartd thwis awnd ur gwoing two fwinibsh it nowo mwattew wat! uwu hab mwoxie kwiddowo, bwut uwu wibl gwib ub sowon. i cwan wite wike dis fwor owors, swo dwont cwalengbe mii..

… wbats dis??? uwu awe stwill weedinb mwie powost?? uwu habe awot ob detewemwinyanyatiom!! 。。! u habve comopweedid tha pwost, good job!

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Never post this again

Fucking hell

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I feel like she's voiced by neptunia's voice actor
her voice is literally the only thing that kept me from turning the eng dub off

i wanna brush the hair while she's wearing cute jammies before she and i fall asleep in the same bed

fwucking hew

Imagine being a Loli. Your life would be so shit. What could you even do with such a small body and a brain that barely works?


I bought this game for her


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Pleasure salarymen for money

Receive affection and gifts from everyone

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>the most anti-sexual design ever constructed for a loli
>still memed
Cunnybros create their own victories.

sleep and eat candy

Charlotte! Uwu!

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Kiww aww niggews

What does cunny mean??

anally masturbate every minute

Post your first run.


Never Played Trials of Mana Before
Is she a kid, or some kind of dwarf or fairy?

C ute and f UNNY

half elf, ages slower

Woman here, seek help

She is a fucking cunny

Cunnychad here, get bent roastie

You will never pass