It's pretty clear what a souls-clone is and what some souls clones are. However, what makes a game a witcher 3 clone, and what are some witcher 3 clones? I submit AC: Odyssey as an obvious example
It's pretty clear what a souls-clone is and what some souls clones are. However, what makes a game a witcher 3 clone...
>witcher 3 clones
lmao why would anyone want to copy shitty glorified eurojank that was already copying every other open world game?
this but also it sold well because next gen has no gaems
assassins creed egypt
only the 2 new asscreed games? with people throwing the term around I figured there would be at least a few more i could try out
Witcher 3 isn't even really it's own game. Every aspect of it that made it popular was ripped out of some other game and taped together. The romance they copied from bioware, the gameplay they copied from demon's souls, the open world they copied from skyrim. Nothing about it is original at all. Same goes for asscreed
>why would the industry copy a game that sold gorillions?
Hmm I wonder?
Games copy things that sell well dummy, doesn't matter the actual quality.
Wrong way around shithead. Witcher copied ubisoft's shitty formula.
I always see Yas Forums hating on open-world but I never see why.
And then ubisoft copied the witcher 3.
Or what, do you think the sudden addition of RPG elements, levelled loot, enemy becoming hitsponges for being too high level and complete combat overhaul was just a coincidence?
No dev in business today has the talent to pull it off
>the gameplay they copied from demon's souls
Your whole post is retarded but this comparison made me audibly laugh
What's it like being a retard?
So because it's 3rd person and has rpg mechanics, its demon souls now?
No, because the devs admitted to copying demon's souls it's demon's souls, you nigger.
Where? it has nothing in it that is even slightly similar. Was DeS just the first RPG these polish hacks played?
yeah i thought that was funny too.
this one is even better
Dunno, but the transition in combat from 1 to 2 was attributed to Demon's Souls popularity
combat is odyssey might not be great but at least they went full retard with some moves that feel satistfying to use
witcher 3 doesnt have any of that
it has tank controls, mocap, and boring 'spells'
witcher 3 is probably the most overrated game of all time, not that its bad , its just overrated
>world littered with countless icons for useless items
>shit combat
seems like they did a pretty good job at copying Ubigames.
Retards hated Witcher 3 combat but the exact same combat transplanted to AC was suddenly amazing and a turning point for the franchise
>witcher copied a game that came out 2 and a half years later
I forgot how ubisoft's first game was released in 2017. Nobody had ever even heard of them before that.
>open world they copied from skyrim
Oh yeah, the first open world RPG.
Really? With "games" like Last of Us and collectatons like BOTW, witcher 3 is the most overrated game of all time?
Except the game was a literal beacon quality compared to the rest of the shitty genre it chose.
Witcher had towers?
Witcher 3 did yes. Just shaped like a board instead.
witcher didn't even have climbing
that's because you're a fucking retard
>it did yes
>except it was completely different