imagine having to buy another product so something you already spent hundreds on doesn't make you sick
Imagine having to buy another product so something you already spent hundreds on doesn't make you sick
if you have weak genes then you should be used to shit like this
I just imagined it. It's not that bad. Thanks, user!
I'd actually have to get a VR headset first. Oculus is sold out everywhere. What gives?
I never get nauseous in VR, not even when I first started.
Also, FDA-cleared just means that it’s like a device that’s already on the market and is inherently a meaningless term. It could do absolutely nothing.
my secret weapon against VR nausea is not buying into the meme that is neo-wagglin
>make you sick
Imagine getting sick on VR.
I feel like I'm watching people when the subway was first invented.
Or just put one of these in one of your ears. Leave the other ear empty. Problem fucking solved.
They've sold these for years, to people who get seasick. There's nothing electronic, they use "acupuncture" pressure points and they don't work.
lmao every local pharmacy sells those for less than $5
Alyx and Covid-19
You can either buy second-hand for a higher price or join the massive queue.
So they are basically placebo bands and this new one tries to renew the placebo effect with some beep boop electronic LEDs?
Pretty much. The way you can market medical devices and nutritional supplements in the US is really scummy due to lax laws.
The Placebo and Nocebo (when you know it's a placebo but still get positive results) are quantifiable treatments for this sort of thing though.
What's the harm.
I'm working in a company that makes a VR game currently.
It's like 30 people including me.
Not a single person here ever had "motion sickness" from VR or anything like that.
At this point I'm not sure if this shit isn't some sort of a psyop.
Nocebo is actually a placebo that "harms" you.
The harm is people thinking they're getting treatment for a problem but the problem persists. If it weren't for faulty products saturating shelves they would have found a more effective treatment. That's the harm.
that or take some take some ginger gum
Just eat some ginger
Does asshole count or only cunnilingus?
>Always hear people having issues with VR
>First time using VR myself it was rly fucking cool but games like Gorn and free movement rly fucked me and i couldn't play for long, onward was better but sitll bad
>Year later i finally get my own headset and i can play onward and any other free move game no issue somehow
>Yesterday i played Quake VR and doom VR no issue and had a lot of fun
Mind you the only "issue" i ever had was balancing cuz of free movement making me wobbly IRL, but no real sickness ever like what people seem to report.
If you're in the EU try looking around every countries shops that might sell them it was out of stock in my country until May but I got one well before then from France instead
Motion sickness medicine is cheap as shit. Just take some and use it until you get your vr legs and you don't need it anymore. I only went through like 5 tablets before I stopped needing it.
>need to take medication to play bideo games
Only for boneworks because that game has 0 comfort settings.
based. never had a single issue with VR, i disable all motion-cuck settings
To be honest people were having motion sickness even from flat screen when FPS games first became a thing.
yeah, now I will go buy a ssd for my ps4 so it can load games faater
Wait, what does it actually do?
Money off idiots.
Boneworks is such an interesting game. It's clearly a indie game which shows going by the level of polishing. But it also tries to be this top notch physics based VR title that's cutting edge. But then they also give no single fuck about comfort setting, expecting everyone to be an VR expert or something, heavily limiting their player base.
THIS. Heard it more than once than some people simple can't deal playing FPS games, it's rly weird to me but some people simply can't. Now imagine them trying to play a VR shooter with free movement and no comfort options or something.
Because they didn't know anything about FOV needing to be adjusted depending on how wide your display is compared to how far away from it you are.
Lmao reminds me of those fake balance bands way back from 2009. I remember a lot of NPC friends had it.
Company was forced to give free refunds to everyone .
Sad.. I was thinking maybe of getting one for my father, as he is undergoing chemo therapy and these look like the sea bands..
The secret weapons against VR nausea:
>git gud
>stop being a woman
>Cut off your dick.
and stop playing video games