Tell me one unpopular opinion you have about Sonic or the fox boy gets it

Tell me one unpopular opinion you have about Sonic or the fox boy gets it

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I like Blaze

Sonic doesn't feel fast enough..!

Shadow the Hedgehog is one of the best games in the franchise

Sonic is good

Apart from cheesy parody interpretations, Sonic seems pretty boring as a character.

Tails is a shit character. Kill him eggman

I'm an Adventure bab and it shows since my favorite characters are Shadow and Rouge, with Eggman, Omega, Gamma, and Metal being right up there with them. I don't ship Rouge with anyone though because that shit's for fags.

He said unpopular

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I’m glad the Archie universe is dead and Sonic comics aren’t tied to a 90s cartoon anymore

the parkour mechanics from Lost World should come back in some form

I like 3D sonic more than 2D sonic

Were people upset about that? I don't really follow the comics but I knew the reasons why they went with IDW

Who said anything about killing?

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I don't see why it matters whether Archie is cancelled or not. I can understand being upset that a series you were following ended, but not being glad that it's dead.


Sonic is the only good hedgehog
Blaze is the only good female companion for Sonic and the only good non-robot modern character
The handheld games were better than the main series from Adventure to Unleashed

It's probably not as unpopular as I'm making it but goddamn how is Colors DS so much better than Colors? Like the quality difference between the two versions is way too glaring. It's not like the original Colors is bad either, it's just that the DS version feels way more cohesive and polished in comparison.

I think Sonic games should go back to having the tone and quality of writing of the Adventure games and more monster enemies and bosses instead of Eggman's robots.

Shadow should have stayed dead
all hair shadow is one of the best songs in the series

i don't think i've ever haired that one, user

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He looks better with a front-mouth

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Sonic 2 was the worst and most soulless 16-bit Sonic game, even a couple of fangames are better. It also has a shit aesthetic, no setpieces, no flow or momentum and the worst music by far.

Boost > Adventure
Heroes is great, and better than Adventure 2.
Rush trilogy > Classic trilogy

I have a soft spot for genuinely polite characters, mature-for-their-age characters, and bunnies, so I think Cream is legitimately adorable.

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That's because he should be always shown from the side

>mature-for-their-age characters

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I liked the Werehog parts of Unleashed, and I want the whole game ported to PC

Not in that way. Get your head out of the gutter. He said on Yas Forums.

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I actually like Almost Dead
It's just that I like the other Shadow songs more

Imagine how smart the baby would be



- Sonic 2 > Sonic 3&K
- Boost sonic is best sonic.
- I legit like the Boom cartoon.

This but unironically. The biggest problem with vidya today is that games are quickly deemed to be shit just because they're different. Shadow the Hedgehog, at least on the GameCube, was an alright game with entertaining dialogue, fun gun play, and level design that's arguably way better than Heroes.

It just made Shadow a terrible character for the rest of the franchise, that's all.

I see too that you are a man of taste.

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Boost Sonic is too fast.

I'll give you three.
>Jason Griffith is an objectively bad voice actor and the worst Sonic
>Sonic 2 is bad
>Sonic Forces has bad music

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Boost isn't bad, just the level design can ruin it.
2D in 3D Sonic was always shit though

SA2 Emerald hunting > SA1 Emerald Hunting

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I thought the image said jack off in the catalog, and I was happy to oblige

As long as you don't play it all in a short period of time, Shadow The Hedgehog is easily top 3 3D games.

The Wherehog got a lot of undeserved hate when the only legitimate complaint about him is that he "just wasn't what Sonic should be." But he's probably the best alternate gameplay style Sonic had desu.