Thank you to the anons for the mod suggestions.
Risk of Rain
Other urls found in this thread:
>risk of reddit
risk of sleep
tfw no cute busy jelly gf
Build suggestions for huntress? I get attack speed syringes but the rest of her kit feels so shitty
I'll host after I make some food.
As many backup mags as you can carry + crowbars to make sure wisps die instantly. Bandoliers too so you can spam your teleport and ballista.
Get flurry and 100% crit.
Seconding bandoliers, they're honestly better on her than any other character because of her long ass cooldowns and her mobility allowing her to pick em up.
Also, AtG Missiles as with any character are huge for boosting her damage, and go for crit as well.
Made more risky art
Her default R skill is garbage, unlock the alt as soon as you can.
Her alt M1 is also an upgrade but makes you need a lot of crit.
Some people enjoy the alt utility a lot and that it changes how they feel about her.
anyone got a link for a good HAND mod?
>host waits for me to solo the robo boss and the tele boss with 3 mountain shrines
>he immediately leaves once i hit the teleporter
quickplay in this game is really terrible
>no host
>even if there is a host it's another bazaar faggotry game
kill me
How are you supposed to find the codes for the Artifacts
fem bandit when
wait until someone posts it in the threads or just look it up you lazy bum.
No I mean in game. Like theres supposed to be codes written down on some rocks right? How did people find the codes?
Search places that are hard to get to without a bunch of jumps or have poor lighting.
They're in preset locations, usually one per stage, sometimes abstract and not just explicit tablets, and one's in logbook iirc.
There are tablets strewn around in the maps, one for each map type etc
Get some speed and double jumps and get looking
All the alt skills are objective upgrades to the default
Alt skin femmando is qt
>it's popular therefore reddit.
Why can't more female alts be like this and not coomercore shit?
1 million sales user
No problem, my dude.
I can't keep pretending this game isn't shit
inb4 it's you, your fault, the game is perfect
blimbo lileoepooeppee?? hooahowhowwho!!!
Play better.
I only have Mul-T, Arti and Rex left for the alt skins. Mul-T is pretty basic, but what do you build on arti and rex?
[spoilers]Using command if it isn't obvious already[/spoilers]
>Merc player
>Complete trash
Every single time
I will play better games, yes.
>going face first into a blazing elder lemurian with that amount of items
Yes, it is your fault user.
>merc player falling for the M1 meme
bro standing next to a strong enemy and hold M1 is asking to die you need to mix M1 into your abilities
>I fucked the spoiler up
Also I know they both need backup mags other than that what else
Dunno, the femmando is actually sensible compared to the rest of them. Genderflip would've been better the coomercore desu (like pic related). But hey, his design choices.
I was doing my best to be behind him the entire time.
sorry, forgot to turn on command
I was literally circling around the boss and using all of my abilities ????????
you never once used R or Shift in this clip the whole point of merc is using your abilities' I-frames to avoid damage and then desh out and wait for your cooldowns to come up
Not any of those anons and I understand you got pretty unlucky with the boss, but why didn't you use the preon charge you had avaliable?
when's Miner?
First character in the Season Pass
>you never once used R or Shift in this clip
The clip starts with him in the middle of his R though. Shift came off cooldown before he was killed though.
that one looks like shit desu
where do you get all these skin mods anyway?
What are some fun builds to do with Command on?
so why would he just circle point blank instead of running away to wait for CD I know this game can be bullshit but he just potatoed there and then acted like the game was shit because of it
where's the 10 man
>Artifact of Death
>If a player dies, mark a random (or the closest) player. Marked players are instantly killed after 60 seconds
Would that be more fun/interesting to use compared to the current version that just kills everyone instantly?
He's the teleporter boss he can't just ignore him
Merc with 100% tonic uptime and brainstalks
>what is cooldown
>but why didn't you use the preon charge you had avaliable?
There was another dinosaur running away from the teleport event somewhere, and I wanted to save it for him. It's just so fucking retarded to die like that when your enemies take fucking ages to die. Never mind though, I've deleted the game, not bothering anymore. I gave it a chance. I can be fun, but fuck this rng bullshit.
hey user post your steam library I want to see what kind of games you play to make you bitch and moan like this
>artifact of death
>all players take a permanent (until next zone) dot when a player dies
>for 25% of that player's damage
Exactly the same as 99 stacks of gasoline in chaos mode. Would be perfect.
>not just hosting 100% of your quickplay games
come on user, it only takes 5-10 quickplay -> cancels
Enemies have too much hp yes. It's tedious plinking them at the start of the run
Are you feeling it now Mr Crabs?