Bravo Obsidian

Bravo Obsidian

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You're surprised they didn't fix all the bugs when they only had months to work with an engine that's notoriously buggy as hell?

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It's not a bug, it's the collision mesh being larger than the object itself. It's why you can't jump, crouch, shoot, or fit through a lot of openings between objects.
Surprisingly Fallout 4 fixed a lot of collision mesh issues.

>fallout 4 fixed a lot of collision mesh issues
Too bad they didn't fix the issue with the game being a piece of shit.

Well maybe cuz Fallout 4 came out after NV and had a proper development time and way more resources and ran on a way more advanced version of this shitty engine

>it's not a bug, it's an issue

still better than Fallout 3

how can a franchise with zero (0) good games be so popular?

A bug implies that a mechanic is not functioning as intended.
The collision meshes are working exactly how they were designed. It's more accurate to say that the collision meshes were poorly designed.

don't you know that gamers are retarded?

woah that's crazy to see in such a small hand-designed game

Bro just mod your shit it's not that hard.
(until you got to make your own patches)

over half of the popularity comes from the fact that its the same studio that makes TES

seething obshitian drones desperately defending their turd by any means

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Thinking about it now, I'm beginning to notice the whole Fallout series is Amerijank

There is a mod to fix most (if not all) of the hitboxes

it's Bethesda and Todd's fault

oh for the love of god source


You can't post that without giving the sauce bro

ummm fallout 3 anyone?

>desperately defending their turd by any means
>pointing out fags

Fuck off
I had more fun with 76 than this utter piece of crap

fallout 3 is better than you think

>when they only had months
they had over a year

I don't believe you

shut the fuck up todd

It unironically has the worst story, writing, pacing, gameplay, characters and map design in the franchise
Not to mention it destroyed the lore and everything fallout once stood for more than any monty python reference ever could
I would gladly only play 76 for the rest of my miserable life if that means that I don't have to see that ugly green hellscape ever again

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you forgot the Futurama reference too

but what do they eat?

That's just a theory

so tired of all these new vegas threads....i guess it's time to reinstall.

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when did that fucking happen?

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don't you dare

Fuck you just gave me a huge nostalgia boner
I used to love that video


Lonesome Road

Fucking slutfishs

instamash and pork n beans

>surviving off of scavenged food
>for 200 years
but what do they eat?

no wanting to see this has helped deal with my obsession to reload after every shot

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tf are you talking about
futurama came out 2013
lonesome road did 2011

caravans deliver food just like in mountain blade

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From where?

Futurama first aired in 1999 user

>open console
what's the problem?

from outside the capital wasteland

Across the Waste. Megaton even has a small water purifier.

ant, rat, iguana meat did you even play the game

ACHTSHUALLY thats bethesda's fault

todd literally broke into the obsidian offices and held everyone at gunpoint while he personally coded that bug into the game

There are also a lot of cannibals in Fallout 3