A boy flees from his home after witnessing it being burned to the ground by a dragon. In trying to escape with his life...

A boy flees from his home after witnessing it being burned to the ground by a dragon. In trying to escape with his life, he stumbles upon a magical tower and its owner: a powerful but mysterious wizard. The boy finds a safe haven in the tower's walls but soon finds that not all is as it appears to be. There is danger lurking below the tower.

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What is it about Hamsterson that gets people riled up?
Are you still upset about the Odyssey video?

Is he a scalie?

He’s easy to have a laugh at.

No, that would make him based.

How the fuck can anyone watch this sperg ramble hours about inane this? Watching his shit is absolute torture.

Sounds autobiographical

A combination of that, his autism and the Silent Hill video.

joseph THE TOWN MADE HIM STUPID anderson

I want to fuck the dragon.

Does the dragon want to fuck you, though?

Didn't you watch Rick and Morty? Dragons are well known sluts.

I've never actually seen any of the writing in his novels, but this can't be real

The town made him stupid.

>was looking to commission artists for a VN I started working on recently
>one of the replies went into a long spiel about how their work was in actual vidya and book covers and shit
>was wondering why someone that high on the food chain was replying to my DA thread
>one of the examples was this image
>ah, I get it now

Attached: big-lebowski-dude-walter-promo.jpg (1200x676, 128.77K)

Who are these people in your image? I have seen them once in an mlp episode but have no idea where they're from.

>picture of pie.jpg

Shut the fuck up Donnie, you're out of your element

Big Stinky
And The


This post really ties the thread together.

>James acts like Mary could still be alive but he killed her
Because he's crazy? He's been driven to madness? Heavy denial over what happened?

>how did you come to this conclusion
Every single fucking time

He's a pretentious retard, just like you.

From what I have seen he has fucked up a couple of times by being an arrogant sperg, but his reviews are entertaining (as in, background noise-tier entertaining) so I don't really care.

No, the town is making him stupid

someone pls giv me a link to download Silent Hill 2, I've never played it REEE

repent zoomer

I just don't understand how someone that is supposedly some video game analyser with good taste writes something so bland and terrible. Where does his ego come from?

Are their any rips of his books? I'd love to see the finished products but I don't want to pay for them.

How can you stand his voice

Here you go: www.downloadsilenthill2.com


The boy then goes on to create a critique of the witcher series over 4 hours long. He tells the danger it is only part 1 of 3.
The danger kills itself to escape a fate worse than its own horror.
The End

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cheetah > snow leopard

Attached: LaughingHyena01.jpg (1024x708, 249.87K)

>Long ass videos with nothing of substance or anything to keep them interesting
>praised by pseuds who are too dumb to realize he isn't actually saying anything
>his awful books prove he doesn't know what he's talking about
>genuinely retarded as evidenced by his silent hill 2 takes
and most importantly
>it's fun to make fun of him

I don't distinguish between these rambling youtube pseuds, all I know is they're all worthless pretentious fartsniffers who do nothing but provide vapid zoomers with basic bitch takes to parrot. Fuck off with your eceleb shit.

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>has fucking awful opinions that he needs several hours to explain
>hides behind all criticisms of said opinions by saying hes and author so he knows what hes talking about
>self publishes on amazon with grade school tier writing skill
He's also just generally fun to shit on.