So are you guys gonna play Bowlbo: Quest for the Bing Bing when it comes out, Yas Forums?
So are you guys gonna play Bowlbo: Quest for the Bing Bing when it comes out, Yas Forums?
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Of course. As long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release it'll be a day one buy for me.
>Quest for the Bing Bing
i don't play nintendshit
I wonder if that fatass who keeps posting garbage about "SJW"s is going to flood this thread, like he does to every Oney thread.
it looks very interesting, and Oney's cartoons were pretty funny back in the day
Might give it a pirate
everyone hates arin for doing this and chris knows it
he won't make the same mistake
wow, youve kept that joke going for like a year now. congrats
The fatass is here. Holy shit. Yep, this thread is going to be a fucking steaming pile of shit that gets bumped by this guy's VPNs.
yeah , i like the looks, like rareware 3D renders, its pretty cool
From all the little game design things oney bitches about in his LPs I have a feeling it'll be a good game. He wants to make a game that's fast and fluid, that doesn't waste your time with cutscenes or repetition, and lets you do goofy shit and break the game if you want. Sounds alright to me.
Yeah. I like how it's drawn a lot of inspiration from Tombi, one of my favorite ps1 games.
People like what the NGs crew make because they like the people who made them, not because it's good. None of them have made anything genuinely good in years, but people will continue to support them because they laughed at a dumb thing they made 10 years ago.
Oh absolutely, looks really neat
Nah, Chris isn't going to do anything stupid like that, he's a lad after all.
Isnt arin more popular than ever? Sure he alienated some of his fans but its not like hes missing out
i will NEVER play e-celeb shit shilled on Yas Forums
Arin's been on a downward spiral for a while now.
1000 based
Reminder that the only people who get mad about this post are seething gamegrumps fans who cannot wait for Chris to say TRANS RIGHTS or some shit
would you actually give a flying shit about the game if he wasn't attached to it? it looks like fucking shovelware
Artistically sure
>reddit shit
The fact that this type of post ALWAYS gets (You)s will never stop being funny to me
Let's be honest probably all of his friends are afraid to tell him that the game looks like shit
The dude learned blender in what? a year? and all of his render looks like souless garbage. Every trailer has that "haha its fony" vibe. design wise except the dark zone looks souless.
I like the dude but fuck everything he does content wise has been shit
zach however has done a 10/10 pilot, and the others are doing soulful games.
i think it looks like a good platformer.
so yes.
fuck off.
>Chris releasing a game
>Zach released an adult swim show with a good reception
>fat gay mexican and whiny fag still have done nothing
Personally dont care for oneyplays or whatever I just enjoy the sleepycabin banter. I'll pirate the game though.
funny how this makes people mad, but nobody wants to say why or are willing to say the opposite
it's like people just get mad seeing their own idiotic thoughts laid bare
its got alright visuals but as an actual platformer it looks painfully basic.
its pretty much style over substance the whole way though, you'd get the same level of gameplay experience out of watching that runmo video
I doubt he's as popular now as he was with JonTron or his NG/solo youtube days.
>soulful games
>Julian and DD
never ever, but I agree, Zach is the funniest of the "entire group"
Because you keep logging into new VPNs to give yourself shitty replies like "1000 based" perhaps?
>11 replies in 9 minutes
Gotta remember this reply for future use.
im going to pirate it then shitpost on Yas Forums saying arin's games are better.
literally why we all hate superbunnyhop, supermega, arin, etc.
why would chris be any different? why are people mad about this post
>it's supposed to look like shit, it's my artstyle!
the latest trailer look genuinely charming and a lot of people seem to agree. and why is it now this new weird new thing to compare zack and chris so much. they just seem like 2 pals. hell you just fucking know chris will have a cameo in zacks show.
You are now aware that there literally are literal trannies on Yas Forums
Based Zach Chads.
His voice here always gave me a chuckle.
Unironically based
I haven't liked anything Chris has done in a long time but I love that he makes trannies seethe so I'll be buying Bowlbo just to piss them off
Not even Arin's begging could get more than a handful of his fans to play his shitty battle royale.
its not only his voice tho, the dude is constently learning shit and actually doing an effort to grow as an artist unlike all of his friends.
chris is too redpilled for that
but to be frank, I thought idubbbz was too so who knows
All bias aside the game's graphics and aesthetics were executed really well
I bet the gameplay is gonna be meh though, but ill still buy it to admire the artistic devotion and skill
im going to say this...all these guys are actually conservative they say what they say because liberals spend money.
Seething Fatty's MO:
>Make Oney thread asking if people are going to play Oney's new game
>Make same reply saying you'll buy the game as long as Chris doesn't say anything leftist until release
>Change VPNs and reply to your own post to bump the thread
>Post different replies, some must be pro leftist, other must be anti leftist. Include the names of Oney's acquaintances
>Thoroughly satisfy your schizophrenia for 5 hours and then wait until tomorrow for another round of schizo Oney threads
i only liked the "dark" aera, the cities looks like stolen assets and the "house" just looks pathethic with a bunch of duplicated wood stick
(and also he's overusing shaders/materials, i'm sure if he putted a cel shaded look everything would look better)
literally SHRIEKING that gg won and globalism is DEAD
i think thats you though mate
>as a cherry on top, OP makes a meta comment referencing all his previous comments in a vain attempt to imply someone else joined the thread.