>open world
It's going to suck.
Open world
mr miyazaki himself said that open world isnt the right word to use for this type of game but the journalists wrote away and now its the genre they put on it.
It even has HORSES dude, it's over. Horses are the trademark of shitty open world games.
Isn't Darksouls the only good open world game
what about shadow of the colossus
didn't play that one.
he said it 'might' not be the right term, and that it's just their take on having a large open field for the player to play in
it's going to be like SotC
not the same amon but i liked how shadow of the colossus did theirs. felt really proper, however nobody else has done it even near as good as it though
It's also never going to be released.
BoTW was open world and that game ruled so I think you're wrong. It's going to be BoTW with Dark Souls combat.
Anything George R.R. Martin is involved with will either never be finished, or would be better off never being finished.
>open world
They already said it's more like Demon's Souls but instead of teleporting to locations it's an inbetween open world.
they'll move all the work over to a new title and strip his name from it completely, because you're absolutely right, the man is a curse on production.
Fuck, I'd be surprised if it wasn't literally just Dark Souls 4 once they retool it
i just need another soulslike to play soon, loved dark souls 3 and sekiro. I have faith in their ambition
>game by fromsoft
nobody gives a shit about your shitty soulsgames that aren't even rpg's. It's the same shit over and over.
Open world is only shit when it's forced into an already established IP
>n-nobody gives a shit
We love the games here on Yas Forums sweetie.
Not open world. Not a good game.
but it was forced into BoTW and its one of the best games of all time?
speak for yourself, soulshitter.
For myself and for other hundreds and hundreds of others here. That's why we have threads about it every single day sweetie.
So when is this game even suppose to launch? We haven't had any news in over a year
Don't talk to my friend like that
Please go and stay go
SotC's world is the definition of soulless, if the game just teleported you to the bosses it would be better.
you don't speak for everyone sweetie. fake rpg's like darksouls don't come up much here.
You’re a fucking retard. George’s part was done way before elden ring was announced.
what about armored core?
>rpg's like darksouls don't come up much here
enjoying your first day on Yas Forums?
I disagree.
I'm going to shoot you
Why do you guys have an open world hate boner? You realize that most shitty open world games are bad because of bad design, not simply because they are open world.
they probably announced it too early and now have the issues of it probably not being able to run on ps4/xb1 because of the open field shit they are trying to figure a way around not gutting it and having it not be a next gen only thing.
Explain in detail exactly why dark souls is not an rpg. Go ahead, I'll wait
Dark Souls is already open world
you omitted the word fake. rpg's come up all the time but shit like ds doesn't
That would be the definition of soulless, something I guess I zoomer shit like yourself would enjoy ye.
>Due to this, the scale of the world and its narrative, as well as the depth and freedom of exploration have increased dramatically. It is without a doubt our biggest title yet in terms of sheer volume.
>There are many definitions to the term “open world,” and I might not be phrasing it correctly, but we have simply tried our own approach to a game with a large, open field to play in.
>It is a world full of danger and threats, as well as many areas ripe for exploration.
>Among those areas, you will also find intricately designed, multi-layered castles and such.
Basically, he just means traditional levels, but with a big field between them, so just Ocarina of Time.
All Souls games are open world.
Yas Forums is blind, good open worlds exist but it wont fit their narrative so they just seethe at the others instead
there's literally a dark souls thread with nearly 500 replies right now you fucking niggerfaggot
Obvious newfag is obvious
What's the point of putting a big field full of nothing in between the real shit? Such a waste of time.
it is known within open world games that open fields with nothing in them are terrible, they likely wont make that mistake.
From what i remember he didn't wanna use the phrase open world because while the game is gonna have NPCs, it will not have any towns or areas full of life, i guess from Miyazaki's point of view open world means a mini world with towns and lots of walking around.
What's the point in instant teleportation to boss fights? Need your insta gratification dopamine fix everytime you launch a game?
What are you, 12 yeard old?
Dark souls has no story based roleplaying. There is no decision, narrative or action and consequence. The entire purpose of an rpg is to go on an adventure and define your character with decisions and this is impossible without some kind of story. If you want to suck FS dick and say that rekindling the first flame counts as a story, go ahead, but no one plays darksouls for the story.
Also in darksouls the definitive force in whether or not you can progress is based on the players skill and not the characters skill. Stats do influence progression, but all they really do is determine your health and stamina. You can level your health up in doom and that doesn't make doom an rpg.
Also you have to play as a melee character in darksouls. Playing as a thief/rogue class isn't a thing and playing as a pure mage without NG+ is impossible. Not to mention that magic sucks balls in darksouls. There is no roleplaying in darksouls gameplay, it's entirely action based.