The year is 2020, and Yas Forums is filled with fake gamers

>The year is 2020, and Yas Forums is filled with fake gamers
You are not one of them, right?

Attached: which side are you on.jpg (1920x918, 942.1K)

I'm excited for games on both sides. What now, fag?

I swear I saw one with HLA at fake

Imagine being weab, I have more respect to dog fucking furries.

>be excited for a videogame
>autist says it means they're a fake gamer
>ah this must mean I do not like game anymore

Right is soulless weeb trash. I'd rather play Tencent Gacha.

>being excited about games
haven't been following gaming for even a year or what fucking normie


today op was not a fag

Attached: based.jpg (547x456, 50.61K)


What game is top right?

>games i like vs games i don't like
why don't you put a fucking wojak there too


>calling yourself a "gamer"
I can feel some extreme normalfag vibes from OP.

the only real game on the left is ACNL
RE is okay but the only reason that game exists is for the Chalos porn

Attached: EUlQyU_U4AAQ8Pt.jpg (1440x2560, 797.06K)

based reddit!

What's the game above bayo?


only things i care about there are cyberpunk, which has a high chance of being worse than witcher 3, and elden ring

it's the new platinum IP you normalfag secondary reddit

Imagine someone calling you a fake gamer. Hahahaha really, faggot?

Attached: bandicam 2019-12-31 08-36-00-073.jpg (584x597, 69.88K)

Swap NMH3 for cyberpunk and it's perfect.
>B-but muh Heroes
No one gives a shit about that thing lmao

what the fuck is top right?

found the normieddittor!

Why the fuck not use the obvious ultraman face and then use an image from a monster that looks like it's from City Shrouded in Shadow?

Fake gamer detected


imagine being such a weeb that you can't even make the bad side without it being mostly japanese games

Smt v is coming out no sooner than 2022
Persona 6 2026

Suda is incredibly based. Play The Silver Case.

Attached: games.jpg (1920x918, 810.25K)

based and blue pilled.