Female fighter

>female fighter
>huge tits
Explain this

Attached: 1e02eadb69f357813cd4b1b3cc45deaf.jpg (799x1227, 81.14K)

No, I don't think I will.

She uses her massive tits as a weapon. Next question.

I understood that reference.

balance and make pp the big PP

I don't understand it, but my dick does.


Learning to fight without your tits getting in the way is kind of like learning to fight without your penis getting in the way.

i.e. not that hard, but I don't expect anyone on Yas Forums has ever trained in anything ever.

thats a bird btw.

and everyone clapped

Any news on piero`s game?

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I used to train in judo actually. The only girl in the class was flat as a board.

>female fighter
Explain this

Attached: Drd-m0AVYAAC1WY.jpg (1538x2048, 305.99K)

Explain this

It's hot.

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Shit character, she needs to drop the maid outfit and get breast reduction.

>>female fighter

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Women are sexual objects without souls, the bigger the tits, the more aesthetic valuable they are.
Thats it.


Good genetics

>your mom carried you for 9 months
>you make this post

Explain this


I do not comprehend.

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it's alreaday established as fantasy and you squeal about weird physics?

only if they are huge naturals

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I like big titties op

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The reason for that is that 99% of women who have attractive features give up on any ambition and achieving things for themselves because they can get a man to do it for them.

Explain what?

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they're just being realistic

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Because a female fighter with >DD Breasts are as realistic as any other kind, so why not

The worst part?

She's like 15 years old. Imagine having a 15 year old maid with breasts that big. Hello backpain.

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Why is she so shit?

>females are not allowed to have tits anymore in 2020
Explain this

Am I the only one who's spilled gallons to this bitch?

The maid outfit and huge fucking tits so big they make maserati and hitomi's breasts look tiny.

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She’s a swan.

Breasts too fat

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So men can beat them up.

>female fighter
>has cute feet

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I drew this pic a long time ago I hope you anons like it.

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Well, the thread was going to shit anyway.

my dick thanls you user

You're saying big breasted women can't be fighters?

You leftists are keeping women down. Not us.

>female fighter with huge tits
>in a videogame
There you go.

looks great. good job user

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