JonTron's Top 10 Most Overrated Games of All Time

>10. Assassins Creed II
>9. Fable
>8. Fallout 3
>7. Super Smash Bros Melee
>6. Left 4 Dead Series
>5. Sonic the Hedgehog
>4. Final Fantasy VII
>3. Metroid Prime
>2. 007: Goldeneye
>1. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Based or cringe?

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literal shitskin

>Top 10 Most Overrated Games of All Time is one of JonTron's most infamous videos. He removed the video from his YouTube page around August 2013 as he no longer agreed with it



I agree with that list. Doesn't mean a game is bad but these all are overrated imo

>I don't think it was ever considered good
>ultra cringe

It's a little dated, but fine overall. Retards need to learn that overrated doesn't automatically mean bad.

Reads like Yas Forums bait.

>Calling Ass Creed 2 over rated is "cringe"
Also did anyone consider Fable to be actually good? I thought people were just pissed about the lies before the release of the game.

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Rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites. This was proven to be true, so why is everyone so angry?

Good times when Jon talked about games :(


assassin's creed 2 is pretty good, specially if you're a historyfag


What are some games with some powerful crossovers?

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He's not wrong at all. But those kind of "muh vidya opinions matter" videos are shit and Jon is better than that.

What's wrong user, you don't want another video about WHACKY INFOMERCIALS?

I remember when Jon was actually funny.

>hey guys do you want to hear what this literal who did lol it's so cringe

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I guess I am biased against the games in the first place since the gameplay never clicked with me from the first one to the third one. I always saw a potential in the series but it never flourished into a proper great stealth assassin game set in historical settings like I wanted it to be.

>fallout 3
maybe like 10 years ago

Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us 2 are objectively the most overrated games of all time. Didn't create any new mechanic, redefine the genre or get praised for anything other than muh story, yet they got a 96 and 95/100.

Jontron basically got so butthurt when Egoraptor trashed Ocarina of Time that he instantly left game grumps and announced that LttP was somehow more overrated just to spite him.

OoT fanboys are all genuinely mentally ill and insanely insecure.

>Jon removed and unlisted all his old videos including the WHAT THE FUCK IS A SONIC one
>claims they are all "inadequate" and not very good
>continues to make unfunny videos of shitty infomercials with his rich New York faggots
What did he mean by this?

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Red Dead 2 and Skyrim are both worse.

I'm currently playing through metroid prime and I have to agree. The combat being awful is an obvious thing with the hardlock system but even the exploration feels stripped down and simple compared to the 2d games, and all the gushing about the atmosphere just seems laughable to me with the pidly levels you have to explore.

Arkham Asylum came out at around the same time and showed how infinitely better a job it does at the same sort of thing.

Ass Creed has never fucking delivered the game promised in the original game's hype, Ass Creed 2 was the game that showed that the devs had no interest in delivering that game because they were going the completely wrong direction.

>10. Assassins Creed II
>9. Fable
>8. Fallout 3
>7. Super Smash Bros Melee
>6. Left 4 Dead Series
Nah. I think as a "zombie" game you could certainly get something better. But the arcade style co-op shooting is incredible. Tons of games these days were heavily inspired by it.
>5. Sonic the Hedgehog
I don't think people really overrate these games at all
>4. Final Fantasy VII
Can't comment
>3. Metroid Prime
Sort of disagree. Wonderful transition from 2D to 3D that feels new but familiar. But the actual combat is a bit dull so it's not perfect.
>2. 007: Goldeneye
>1. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Agreed. Link Between Worlds was more fun. I think it's a solid game but these days contrarians really latch onto it.

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I stopped watching him after he said we can't allow brown people to enter the gene pool of whites

Remember that time Destiny destroyed this racists career

Who is this guy again? Is he the one with the alien gf or the idiot who cant play games?

Yeah, and don't forget Majoras mask. Shitty asset flip.

2 is pretty much a stealth assassin game in a historical setting, it's not the most deep hardcore game ever but it's worth still worth it
the others are shit, except for 4

says the guy who ruined Sonic's reputation

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Assassins Creed II was the peak of the series. >but muh Black Flag
Dead cat bounce

There are games so overrated like the last of us not on the list but still a good list

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The first game is pretty over rated. The series didn't get a proper identity until 2.

rather based.

I kinda miss old JonTron. He was never that great, but I still enjoyed his video game shit

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ocarina of time deserves to be on that list too but jon's a fag about it

>every e-celeb who was based and edgy just turn into unfunny faggots and unironic cucks
Why does this always happen?

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I agree with Alttp being overrated.

It's not in the top 5 Zelda's.

Nobody gave a shit about uncharted's story, it was the cinematic action spectacle.

Pretty based list except for FF7
Could use more Zelda and Mario

My Top 10 Most Overrated Games of All Time
1) Super Metroid
2) Final Fantasy 7
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Majora's Mask
5) God of War
6) Undertale
7) Fallout
8) Super Smash Bros. Melee
9) CS GO
10) Uncharted 2

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Right on everything except FFVII

Even though he is no longer doing Franku, at least Joji is still based.

he only got popular after he said rich niggers are still niggers

nah fatboy that shit is cash

>no MGS

The only actually good one was 3

Yeah I remember the thing that never happened.

Most of those people are more interesting to talk about than anything you have to say

Out of these ive only played zelda, metroid prime, sonic, and melee. He's 100% wrong on zelda and metroid, but he's right about sonic and melee. Melee is good but doesnt deserve its rabid fanbase

Just look at this fat mutt, he's the definition of cringe himself.

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That list was from 10 years ago.

This was made back in like 20010.

My top 10 list of most overrated games
>your favorite game
>your second favorite game
>your third favorite game
>your forth favorite game
>your fifth favorite game
>your sixth favorite game
>your seventh favorite game
>your eighth favorite game
>your ninth favorite game
>your tenth favorite game

because you are a faggot and a retard watching retards play vidya

What the hell does he mean by Sonic the Hedgehog? If he means Sonic 1, that game's criminally underrated compared to the worship Sonic 2 gets and if he means Sonic 06, then he's a retard

Pretty spot on user. Top 10s are stupid anyway.

Oy vey

Some happa doing gay sadboy hipster music for zoom zooms is not what I call "based". However he is still doing better than iDubbbz and Maxmoefoe since he still has an actual career now.

i feel you, they were mad chill

>>I don't think it was ever considered good
confirmed for underage


Oh ok

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Fallout 3 is literally underrated.

If I remember correctly, his biggest criticism of Prime was the backtracking, and then immediately after he lauded Super, which is ripe with it.

Shocked he hasn't taken a photo with Nick Mullen

>Metroid Prime
>On the list at all

????? Gamings most insane Cinderella Story. It's amazing.

AssCreed 2 was actually good and a huge improvement from the first game.

It's just that Ubisoft found a formula and overused it in all the sequels and their other games.

Left4dead is underrated and deserves a 3rd game.

2008 was 12 years ago

This vid is like 7 years old

assassin's creed 2 was great because ezio was sexy.

He had some decent recent videos but he seems overly focused on using his stupid studio and the production value. He was a lot funnier with the amateurish and abrupt shots.

>makes a shitty response video (looks like he's just finished crying) for being a cuck
>everyone makes fun of his "girlfriend" for having an ugly body and being a cunt
>retaliates by suing Yas Forums, Google, Reddit, and his fanbase which will go nowhere
>Leafy of all people comes out of the woodwork to shit on him
When did this guy turn into a faggot?

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Melee and Left 4 Dead are 2 of the best games ever made but the rest of list is accurate. Although I don't think anyone really considers Fable or Ass Creed II to be masterpieces in the first place.

Goldeneye, FF7, Metroid Prime, and Zelda is a very accurate top 4 though. Absolutely decent games that are not at all worthy of their legendary status.

>Assassin's Creed II
It was better than later games in the series, but who the fuck puts the AC series on their top games lists?
Again, who has ever said this was one of the best games ever?
>Fallout 3
I get it, because NV is better.
>Left 4 Dead Series
Again, who considers this one of the best games of all time?
This game basically made JRPGs possible in the US, and it deserves the praise it gets.
>Metroid Prime
No, it's really that good.
Perhaps slightly overrated but still good
Nah. It set the direction of the series from the time it came out until 2017.
Also, nice fucking beard you fat fuck.

Halo is by far the most over rated game ever and you are all a bunch of simp cucks if you think otherwise.

Look at these blacks

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Remember that time destiny turned out to be a literal cuck?

Now look at the bottom right of it.

10-6: fuck yes
5-1: hell no

>production values "go up" (not really but he's clearly spending 1000x as much per video as he used to and literally has a production crew for some reason
>videos plummet from 3-4 per month to 1-2 per year
>and they're the gayest, lowest effort "watching informercials everyone's made fun of for 5 years already" shit not even jokes with any thought put into them like for a B horror movie
Is this like a universal constant?

then fuck off from Yas Forums and go suck their dick faggot
no one cares of your retarded ecelebs besides the retards like you

He's 100% correct about Sonic.
Every game in the series is shit, but the 3D games have the added bonus of being cringeworthy shit.
Goldeneye has also aged like milk. Anyone who says they play it over something like Painkiller or Half Life is delusional.

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My #1 would be Resident Evil 4

He never wanted to do this shit. He wanted to be an actor. He bought all of this expensive equipment and puts in production values because can pretend he's a real actor then as he watches an infomercial or something.