Resident Evil Resistance

BASED Capcom is listening to feedback like always.

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>sub 1k players already

Don't they realize people bought the game because of RE3 and not this piece of shit?

>Capcom is listening to feedback
>haven't shut resistance down
>havent' announced more content for r3make
how are they listening

>makes a game mode no one asked for
>rushes the actual content people want
Yep they're listening really well.

>we're listening
Maybe you should have listened and make a good fucking remake instead of this shit no one wanted

So is Jill out yet?

whats wrong with the remake

I'm glad Jill comes out soon. People will stop fucking cucking me out of my main.

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Why is Valerie the cutest?

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they basically cut out 50% of the original out. it goes by extremely fast. And I can easily see that the only reason they made re3 to begin with was to see how action orientated gameplay would work on the engine, aka they were just beta testing for re4. What made me think that though was because of the bugs in the generator area. They have the same animations as the bugs from re4.

Whats the best deck to have for Annette lvl 25+?

Cause she's the dumbest

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This And unnecessary QTEs that ruin the experience and waste your time on replays. Also, no mercenaries mode.

>cut out 50% of the original out
No, that's RE2R you're thinking of

my bad, meant 75%

low tier troll and bait

people like you should simply die, im done

Thinking about it, introducing new bioweapons actually sounds kind of difficult because they kinda all do the same shit. Nemesis might get a pass because he can wield weapons, but almost every other headliner is just a giant brute that beats things to death, you'll just be copying Mr X and Birkin.

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Yep, i'm standing by with my thought that I think that Re3 remake is just a alpha version of Re4 remake.


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>listening to feedback
>haven't shut it down yet
>haven't replaced it with mercenaries
It's a bad remake and IF they remake 4, which they most likely will do since there are people that unironically want that, it'll be shit

They screwed up B scenarios, sure, but that’s not 50% of the game.

Jesus christ, you're a psycho. Please be done and kill yourself.

Are they going to listen to the one where they scrap this whole thing and make outbreak

>Outbreakfags again

Fuck off zoomer

Because she's a qtp2t, also I need this as a poster

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>outbreak is a zoomer thing
Ok zoomer thats trying to fit in.

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>no u

I would prefer content patches for RE3make, but I imagine that Resistance is a totally separate team.

Those don't even know that Outbreak exists tho

but its the truth though. Outbreak isnt a zoomer game. Saying "make RE into a shooter only" like re6, IS zoomer.

But outbreak isnt zoomer.

It's okay zoom zoom no need to pretend

Stop speaking sense, user. This is Yas Forums

Correct. M-Two is in charge of RE3. Some Taiwanese company is handling the development of Resistance.
Take your grievances with M-Two. They think the game is perfect the way it is.

Do they really? Any source for that?

should have done Outbreak instead