Subtle Vidya tattoos?

Subtle Vidya tattoos?

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That's a temporary tattoo

So is the joke about tattoo threads is that everyone that gets one is a faggot?

I have no idea how some dudes actually leave their nails uncut. Holy fuck

Just around my asshole I have a tattoo of one of the blue portal from the game called Portal, you've probably never heard about it.

>I have no idea how some dudes actually leave their nails uncut. Holy fuck
We don't fist our ass?

if i cut my nails they end up too short and everything they touch feels like agony.

Did you put the orange portal around your dick so it looks when you get fucked it looks like it’s going through a portal

>getting tats
degen npc detected

foirreal breuh

I would never, under any circumstances, get a vidya tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "fans" actually have tattoos like this.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain movies or tv shows will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

Attached: tattoo.jpg (500x350, 60.81K)

that's the gayest shit I've ever read, faggot

What do they actually say?

I have this on my left inner ankle

Attached: mark of shame.jpg (2048x1152, 126.19K)

stop replying to me you fucking homo

>angle and devil
Cringe why even choose Chinese tho. You aren't chinese and have no relationship to the language or culture.
At least choose latin if you don't want it to be in English

Then don't cut them too short retard

>be low IQ manservant retard who signed up to die for israel
>hurr durr I got mah angel and devil tattoos cause I be capable of good AND bad, it's like so deep bro
You should've died out there you psychopath

Stale pasta

平等 equality
牺牲 sacrifice

Can you change up the menu? I've had enough of this pasta.

not everyone digs around in shit all day. some people actually can take care of their 2 cm long nails. the things i can do with long nails vs short is worth it. bet you buzz cut your hair too cause you just cant be bothered to do anything with it. faggot

>tattoos are supposed to have meaning
>posts his gay kanji tattoo which probably doesn't say what he thinks it does
Imagine being this much of a pleb. If you like a piece of art enough to have it permanently in your skin then "meaning" doesn't matter and is going to be lost on the observer anyway, art is subjective. Get tattoos of what you like, vidya or not, don't listen to this fag who gets stereotypical bullshit tattooed and tries to tell you it's muh meaningful so speeshul.

I have the hammerite hammers on my calf. I think they're neat.

>Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

no they aren't, its just art on your body. Also meaning is in the eyes of the beholder, some vidya has inspired, and given me more than any one person ever has.

have fun painting your nails tranny

Moist Asshole
Open Every Day

Spoken like a true zoomer
no culture, no identity, no country, no history

You should get tattoos of things that mean a lot of you
If you're a member of a biker gang, you'll get a biker tattoo
if you're a sailor, you'll get a sailor tattoo
if you're maried or you have a child, you might get something about them or something that symbolizes them (no, not a photo of their face you retard)
if you've been friends with someone for a very long time, you might get something about them or something that symbolizes them

But then why do you think it's weird when people get a vidya tattoo if it's what they spent the large majority of a decade on?

My brothers get retarded ass tattoos for the "aesthetic" like chimps or koi fish and shit like that when it has absolutely no meaning to them, and I don't understand why you'd ever do that.
One of my brothers legitimately said he's not going to stop till he's entirely covered from head to toe, he's pretty much already fully covered on anything you can hide in shorts and a long sleeved shirt, along with some extras such as the back of his head, his neck and the first bone of his fingers.

Yeup, now get the fuck out

Only retard here is you for replying to pasta

>no they aren't, its just art on your body.
your body isn't a canvas. Anyone doing it for the art should get shot
especially people who do that retarded shit like putting metal/plastic plates under their skin or injecting ink into their eyeballs to stand out
fucking kill yourself


based fuck israel

I got a Mario tatty on my chest when I was 16 and virgin. I regret it still 15 years later I never had a gf since I would either be laughed at or had too have a t-shirt.

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I like that pain

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Ladyboy detected

do i have to go to japan to get death metals tattoo?

Attached: DeathMetalTattoos.jpg (604x426, 44.14K)

please don't post the mario one with the wrong hand


take off your shirt and take a picture for us gayboy

>Those who adorn themselves with gaud and finery do mock The Builder who maketh their forms. An' wilt they regret their choice, when the end comes.


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No, just a find a decent artist.

As a 37 y-o boomer with tattoos, I got a bunch of tattoos when I was 20 and regret them today even though they have personal meaning. Now imagine getting some meaningless garbage like picrelated. That's like being forced to wear the same pants and t-shirt for the rest of your life, even though they will get worn out (because ink does age and ends up looking like crap)

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Bro you just posted cringe.

I should still be the rule that only people allowed to have tattoos are sailors, military and criminals.

Being broke as shit has saved me from the tattoo meme a couple of times now.
>want game/music/actually relevant tattoo
>can't afford it
>end up putting other things as priority
>year later look back and wonder what the fuck I was thinking
Now imagine if I actually went and got them. I sure would do anything to justify having them despite hating them. Sound familiar?

Qanons are blacked

Spoken like a true faggot that's only capable of spouting off meaningless platitudes.

That's my main grip, as pretty as this one is, I can't imagine waking up 10 years later, and being bored of it and... not being able to remove it.
As you say, I would hate note being able to remove a shirt, same for tattoos

Nobody cares that you tattooed the date of your late husband you fucking homo. People who say tattoos need to have speshul meaning are the same types of retards who listen to hopsin unironically.

nobody cares that you got some colorful butterfly on your back you sissy

>no culture, no identity, no country, no history
t. American who's proud to be descended from some ethnic group you're generations removed from.