What's the comfiest game you've ever played Yas Forums?????

What's the comfiest game you've ever played Yas Forums?????

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God damn Breath of Fire looks so fucking good

it really does

Unironically runescape.

Nier by far

Riven. I unironically want to live there.

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Same brother


vanilla only

Shame about the hole in the ground tearing the world apart thing.

And Tay is so ugly and gray.

>farming outside Falador

Eastshade or The Long dark

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Which BoF is that? I need to play something besides WoW during this quarantine.

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Yakuza 0 surprisingly comfy

Bof 4, my man.


3 is better, but they are both very good

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There's only like 5 screens of Tay, don't get mad at it.

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Animal Crossing for GameCube

Why did it aged so well?

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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Fuck. Is there a way to run PS1 cd-roms on the PC through an emulator? I've heard a friend talking about that many years ago and didn't truly believe him. I think I still have my old BoF3 copy.

A short hike was a pretty comfy but short game.

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just download the rom somewhere
bof 4 also has a pc version

is the pc version any good

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It's a shame they don't make games like this anymore..

The Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim

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It looked pretty but the camera was a fucking pain in the ass to deal with.

didnt have any problems when i tried it and i havent heard anything bad about it

It's certainly isn't a good game, but something about the soundtrack and the ambience inside buildings is really nice

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Pulsar: lost colony is pretty comfy with some of the ships having nice living quarters. I recommend the outrider or the pirate space yacht.
Other supremely comfy games include:
>NMS(fuck off it’s pretty good now if you want a chill game)
>X4: Foundations
>Elite: Dangerous
>modded Skyrim
>Quadrilateral cowboy
>NaissancE (in a weird way)
>From the depths

>It's certainly isn't a good game
damn do I just have bad taste or what
it was my favorite of the series

What is this?

whats the name


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zwei 2

its my favorite of the series morrowind second

combat and story I give to morrowind but ambiance and side quests go to oblivion, so its a hard call

what oblivion lacked in originality it made up in soul

first elder scrolls game, not really sure what to expect, that music and just riding around the countryside looking for shit to do, neat experience, for the first playthrough anyhow

zwei 2