Pokemon is getting a reboot. You're in charge

Pokemon is getting a reboot. You're in charge.
What do you change?

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humanoid Pokemon

lots of big fuckin titties

Implement the battle system from Pokemon Go. Fuck turn based battles.

All the pokemon are female and you can only play as a boy.

Talking pokemon
Actual deaths of pokemon
Becoming actual friends of pokemon
End game content besides elite 4, mewtwo or rival battles. Like hmmmm missions or something. Own a house or business. Make it online, maybe?

-Open world with a focus on Surf and Fly to unlock previously inaccessible areas
-Simple pokémon design strongly based on animal+element with a few exception. No items, no humanoids.
-Dual element moves

Remove gen 1, 4, 8

Make following pokemon a staple.

Cuck may and misty homos by giving then boyfriends.

Make being tranny manditory.

Revert back to 2D.
Give the project to the Platinum or HGSS directors.

Fire Masuda and put Morimoto in cha-
>You're in charge.
Promote him to my personal advisor then.

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Make it a final fantasy-esque game where your buddies are humanoid and its real time battles. Imagine a love story mixed with this and make one of the final bosses a humanoid pokemon. I vote for Houndoom.

Start over from gen 3, remove hms, invest in a new engine and new production to make a real 3d pokemon quest, remove fairy type.

Total war but with Pokemon:
Squads of Machamps charging through ranks of hordes of Raticates, before being brought down by dive bombing skarmories.

Dating sim with other trainers.
Matchmaking sim between pokemon.
You can join the police who are hunting down those who want to love their pokemon, or join team furfag, the evil team that wants humans fucking their pokemon to be legal.

If you join team furfag your information is sent to the real police.

Morimoto is tired he doesn't want the stress of making games anymore user.

Give him a fun job like creative director

you must select the same amount of pokémon as the gym leader before the battle starts, no items inbattle (at least against gym leaders), no linear story, you can basically explore the whole map in the very beginning of the game, no order to defeat gym leaders, increased difficulty that encourages you to train more but because pkémon is aimed for children and that game freak are fags at least let us choose for the difficulty at the beginning of the game.
and a lot more of things but a forgot

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Fire everyone and sell the IP to Microsoft for a 10 foot turkey avo club

since SW/SH literally just got attention by coomers I would make a dating sim already and you will get extra dialogues if you date lolis

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Most arm chair developers on the internet, especially here will say the same shit about open world and spend an unnecessary massive budget on graphics with either subtle pandering of fetishes through pokemon designs themselves or story situations/npcs.

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I like this but in rts style.

based. see if we can get them to pay for double meat.

make it 2D

Dangerously based

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We could make this a dark themed shadow run or under rail. Options to enslave, exterminate or let them go.


>Free exploration
How do you fix
>Go somewhere high level
>Get your shit absolutely slapped, at most loot a few higher level things
>Forced to take the intended route anyways because it's a stat-based game

Just curious


Spooky game with last remnants of humanity huddling together, trying to survive the looming threat of pokemon. You never really see any pokemons.

Also i want to add that i like the first point, having to select the same number of Pokémon as a leader. Sounds like a neat mechanic

Literally nothing wrong with that. A person could grind or use cheeky strategies to win in the higher level zones and obviously beating someone there would drop a ton more exp. Thats fun. Its something veterans or people playing multiple times would be able to do more with, rather than a fixed path EVERY time you play


Sounds like you just want to play trash like Pokémon Reborn.