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Where is the pic from? Looks tragic, imagine if something like that happened in real life....

good thing its all fiction

I don't even think anything like this would be POSSIBLE in real life, thank God

Empathy is the basis for all morality

hey if italy couldn't incinerate 1200 bodies a day which takes 2-3hrs per body with modern incinerators in the year 2020 how did the nazi germans incinerate 6 million in the 1940s?

Dial down the anti-semitism

when you have nothing else to give you power

Dario Gabai said the Sonderkommando fit four bodies in each oven, but it's impossible to fit that many due to the size of the oven's muffle.

>how did the nazi germans incinerate 6 million in the 1940s?
they didnt incinerate all 6 million though did they

You’re heading down a very dangerous road, goyim.

Imagine unironically playing CoD WW2 in 2020

With the ovens at Auschwitz, it would take the 15 ovens 6 days to incinerate 2,000 Jews, yet they claim there were daily gassings.

It's a reference to Germans dying from typhoid and paratyphoid diseases during ww2.

They turned the ones they couldn't incinerate into lampshades and soap.

reminder that just typing this would get you put in jail in the EU lmao

they should have used zykon-b, its a good delousing agent.

pretty sure Trump passed an anti-semitism law here in the US too

>Muh joos
Everyone knows that Slavs lost more


and this here is the only historical proof of the holocaust. prove me wrong.

Why do you leftypol trannies worship Jews?

This post made me really sleepy for some reason.

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That's only for people protesting Israel on college campuses.

because kikes are the ones who invented them in the first place. magnus herschfeld i belive was his name was a kike doctor in nazi germany who invented trannies, was practicing child rape and other forms of degenracy. that's why kikes need to hang before the degens

That lampshade was actually made of cowskin, if I recall.

it depends on how long they burned them. i recall them saying to ash but then that would be like 30 pounds of ash per body. plus bones dont really burn to ash too well unless its exposed to extreme jet engine heat for hours. not to mention the continues maintenance and cleaning of said furnaces. its a god damn chore to kill 6 million people.

do you people read the shit you write
this is on par with jews also inventing lesbian porn to promote cuckoldry

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yeah but they dig mass graves tho

No they didn't. Almost a million people were alleged to have been murdered at Treblinka, but not one of the supposed 200 meter long mass graves has ever been found.


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Daniels: Look over there, is that a fucking swimming pool? And a tennis court? These sick fucks. They were making them do sports for their own entertainment.

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maybe you should read history books you illiterate fuck

go back

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Surely they just forgot the location?

>manual labour

This is how you know its bullshit

There is an extensive history of all sorts of cultures mutilating their own genitals you daft fuck

You don't "invent" it

promoting it is same as inventing it in a society where such degeneracy has no historical roots

They all simply crumbled into dust after Hitler personally sucked out their souls

they literally control the entire porn industry lol

Why do mentally ill leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?

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>go back

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Holocaust denial is up to national governments, not EU wide.

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By how much would the time required to incinerate them decrease anyway? I'd imagine it can't just be four times shorter since you'd need more energy to reduce that many bodies to ashes, not to mention the lack of space, but I am not an expert on body incineration.

Retarded ideas in games thread?

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