You get your Trump Bucks yet?

You get your Trump Bucks yet?

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Yep, using on a Space Marine cosplay

I get my drumpfbucks every month
Thanks for picking up the tab wageie.

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Using it to ship my tower to my new house. Shits going to cost me like 200-300

>get money from gov, because times are hard and some people can't go to work
>Oh, I know! Let me just invest that in something that is completly useless

>Because people cant go to work.
Thats their problem. I got coronabux AND still working. So really its a bonus check for me

>didn't get shit
A-are they still sending them?

>I got coronabux AND still working.
And instead of saving the money because it could be possible that the next months could be even worse than now really didn't cross your mind huh?

>mfw my government gives out money to nearly everyone.
>mfw i'm not included in the nearly everyone.
>mfw i have no face

Just bought one, prolly spend an extra 300 on pizzas for the next couple months as welll

not op but i have plenty of money in the bank, this is just adding to that

Based. No more excuses for VR.

If someone's in a situation where they're living paycheck to paycheck and they dump their rona bucks on stupid shit like an Index then that's their own fault.

Yeah, I'm gonna get a new monitor and headphones (if the monitor ever returns to stock)

>blowing it on nogames VR

If it gets significantly worse, then money isn't gonna be worth shit in the first place. Might as well spend your last moments on Earth cooming to little anime girls while slowly starving.

Holy based!

>Imagine blowing your free $1,200 check from the government on a $1,000 VR kit.

Those people will wish they had saved it next month when society collapses and they run out of food and supplies.

yep. bought some new gear for the mountain bike.

Money will have no value if society collapses
Buying VR is still retarded though

Yes but I make so much money that I only got $80. I used it to buy a Quest + Link Cable.

Reccomend me some VR Kino.

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My job isnt going anywhere. I know this for 100% certainty. Afterall, my job equates into you faggots being able to continue shitposting

Aren't they giving us another check literally next year tho

Are you a defense contractor?

Nope, but I am in government

No I haven't got Communism Bucks yet

Apparently it showed up yesterday. Too bad I have nothing vidya related to spend it on. Guess it'll go to rent and utilities.

yes, but i'll be spending mine on hookers and booze, i don't buy this whole VR faggotry

lmao wasting money on shit like that instead buying fucking food.

Imagine having to rely on Gib Me Dats to buy food

even used index and knuckles are selling for more than MSRP user, you can scalp just the controllers for literally double, it's free money

If you get extra money and immediately spend it on luxury items, you will never stop being poor.