Where is your game Yas Forums?
Where is your game Yas Forums?
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Having trouble with the camera.
I killed it before conception
Im more of an ideas guy. I have this pretty awesome idea, itll be open world like skyrim, but huge, like the size of America, and you can go in any house and talk to anyone. Anyone know any bored devs who want to contribute? Wouldnt mind mentioning their names in the credits.
No longer having trouble with the camera. Feels nice.
We've done it boys!
Your idea is terrible. Either 1) you spend tons of resources making tons of unique content which players only see 0.01% of, or 2) you copy-paste a lot and the player gets bored from seeing the same content over and over again.
Hint for next time: think about if your idea would be fun to do in real life. Going door to door in America talking to randos would not be fun.
No it would be bigger than America so it would be more fun. Think of a game where you could do literally anything. Want to be god? Youre god. Want to be a fish? Youre a fish.
I'm trying to add a plugin that will let the player change its look depending of the clothing, but get this error. Don't know why.
The required plugins are SuperToolEngine, Character Creator Ex which I activated.
I've been doing more fixes for various things I've found in playthroughs, mostly focusing on doing a deep dive on how you trade in ships and making the UI for that more obvious if you're going to lose money off the trade or gain money from it.
I'm doing some experiments with isometric vs top down for my shooter game. I'd much more prefer to do iso because always loved this style, but top down feels much easier.
What is your definition of isometric
Something like this.
making a shadow of the colossus clone where you're a cute girl that's helping the giant monsters by removing either swords or parasites from them, haven't decided yet, let me know if you anons have any thoughts
I want to do something much more advanced than my coding/unity experience allows and I refuse to settle with anything less than that, so fuck it. Playing other's games is much more fun than being frustrated over a piece of shit that will never be made or will never sell well.
>know the game I should be making
>can't stop thinking of that other game I want to make
you should find out which plugin has the problem first. And then test with 1 piece of clothing. Seems like it's trying to pull a value that doesn't exist, maybe it's trying to call for glasses and you don't have glasses or something like that.
Still just cleaning everything up and playing with basic enemy design and AI on the side.
Building a new workstation, so I probably wont work on it much until all of my new equipment gets here.
frustrated with pathfinding.
I’m stuck on the 3D modeling. I am nearing completion on a dude I’ve modeled (minus head and hands) that I’m happy with. I avoided tris and ngons, but now I’m worried I made a mistake. My loop cuts on the legs and arms are angled. They’re like 45 degree angles, but I’ve heard you want completely...flat cuts through your limbs.
So I’ve spent like 3 days just researching and I’m kinda stumped. Maybe I should move on to rigging.
im not the programmer, i'm the composer, but it seems to be going good.
programmer got a bit mad after he spent a lot of time working on a smoke effect only to change his mind
I identified it, it's the DynamicActor Plugin itself because when I turn it off I no longer have the TypeError window and every other plugins are fine, but I'm not sure why it's happening.
Tried making a game of life within the constraints of the fake OS because conway died, went pretty well
Probably gonna try upgrading to unity 2019 before moving further so I can implement the localization package early to figure out how I'm gonna store text efficiently
I'm happy with my little terrain tiles but for the sprites I'm looking at two choices
>1. leave them ugly because it means less work
>2. put in more work, making them even uglier
also shitty comic lol
Animations are taking a long time.
It's honestly annoying cos I wanna post more progress for you niggers, but all I've got lately are animations of the protagonist and a couple of enemies, some backgrounds and a series of programmer art menus, inventory etc and ui.
Game itself is almost entirely reliant on the art since it is an adventure game. Once that's done it's just a matter of piecing together the bits into each scene, and adding corridors between them.
I have the basic game built with placeholder stuff, but I did it a while ago and am redrawing pretty much everything.
I took a break from animating to make some music, it's easier than I thought, but I need to pirate a set of realistic instrument libraries to make the music I want properly since it is meant to be a mixture of deep synths, accordions and a balalaika for maximum Slav.
Where's a good place to "acquire" decent samples for music these days?
based autismo who can't interpret sarcasm
oh shit that looks cool as fuck
swords, and make it so that you can clean them by leading them into waterfalls too
I'm reading the plugin description and it's just a text they ask you to add to the notetag:
Something there is breaking everything, check if you're using the correct clothing sections or filenames, maybe there's a typo.
What is the best order of process to take when making a game?
I do it all by myself but its a fucking mess cuz one day I feel like drawing, other I feel like writing dialogue, building the maps, etc and I feel like its making everything longer than it should.
design the game first, as in the systems and gameplay loop
implement it and make proof of concept
adjust and tweak untill you have something fun
then make art and write dialogues and add more content
I want to make something similar to a visual novel, more about texts and menus, what software do you guys would recommend to me?
This is something like sonic games should be.
I started making level for my automation game and in the process decided to texture whiteboxes part so I will understand better which parts needs more details