TURNIP = 626
post your AC husband
did you change it or close?
OP Here. Game glitched for a sec. New code: M1DPJ
thank you
Spoke too soon. Looks like that user crashed it.
Wireless isn't that stable. Give me a sec to dock and get a code up.
What's a good tip to leave?
Not required, but I'd like to see 5-10%.
Yas Forums rate my island
Damn this sucks. Thanks for trying user.
looks good
I am terribly sorry, user
so is op gonna try again or no
Yes, I will. Give me a minute.
469 at my town leaving it open for a bit while i play fgo 0W5H9
Can't edit post, so:
Piers are for fags.
>cant edit
As long as he's not using Tranny exchange I'm good.
On my way user
Fucking newfags
>down again
>Implying you will be able to sell on another island.
The same user from the first time was the last one that crashed it
What causes it?
Then op had better block them
If whoever is CJ would stop crashing the connection, I'll try one more time.
Bad connection.
I don't think he can cause the guy has never landed
go the fuck back
Is some mass exodus from reddit going on?
thanks man
Thank you so much. Holy shit that was annoying but happy you kept trying.
Holy fuck I actually sold them alright
Thanks op, I got the fuck out of there out of fear of another crash otherwise I would have gave you something
Thanks again
Thanks bro
Thanks op, it was getting pretty sketchy towards the end there.
Thanks, I left some tips for you.
am newfag
where buy nips
(also can I relocate my museum? I don't want it on the great plateau)
appreciate it but not necessary bro. I've had to deal with japs and their mandatory tips which makes me feel gross about asking for that