Both her outfits are complete shit. It's not as clear like RE3 which is full of mod to make Jill non jewish and have her iconic dress and remove Carlos hobbo school dropout hair and beard.
In RE2 you only have two options Her iconic pink outfit, which looks extremely out of place, it's missing a lot of things and all the mods to fix it are extreme shit which just add terrible body paint for the gloves, neck and sleeves, has a fucking huge knife on the neck which makes no sense, etc yet not using it makes me feel like an hypocrite for having used Jill's old outfit, if I think the glow-in-the-dark pink outfit of Claire is bad I shouldn't like Jill's iconic dress.
The other option is the new red jacket, it wouldn't bother me if it didn't make her look exactly like Zoey from Left 4 Dead and then in Resident Evil 6 Ada uses exactly the same outfit. It doesn't have originality, it's like Jill's Lara Croft outfit, I want something unique not the same outfit all basic bitches wear, how am I supposed to look at RE6 and think "Oh, Ada stole Claire's outfit... how.. unique"
Pls halp, what did you guys do? No, naked mods are not cool, making yourself look like a coomer doesn't make you cool it makes you look like a suicide waiting to happen.
I feel your pain, they should have just more, more, more options. Not 1 more, but at LEAST 3 more options. Hide them behind unlockables, secrets, even DLC, I don't fucking care, just more options, the same goes for r3make, but that game is another discussion altogether.
Easton Garcia
I like Claire's new outfit but I hate Jill's.
Lucas Rodriguez
>implying clothing options affect a game's quality
if you don't care about it then stop posting. It would be nice to have more options, no matter what you think about the game. Also stop being so mean.
Eli Butler
Carlos' hair is fine, I'm not seeing what Yas Forums dislikes about it so much.
John Morales
>pink outfit lol wut?
Lucas Martin
It sure seems to do since you all wanted Final Fantasy VII remake to fail because they gave Tifa a sports bra and complained non stop about Jill's classic outfit so...
Dylan Gutierrez
it looks slightly weird. The anons who pointed out that it's way too tall, too much volume, do have a point. I have more issues with him being a paki lol
Benjamin Jenkins
Go play with Barbie dolls instead if it means so much to you
it does look pink indeed. A bit washed out, it does look pink
is it on nexus?
Grayson Gomez
I've seen more people loving the new one rather than complaining about it, even here in Yas Forums, all the gay porn with Carlos uses his shitty hobbo appearance.
The problem is that Carlos character was meant to be suave and handsome. Unshaved messy beard and an extremely messy unwashed hairstyle is SO not Carlos.
>It sure seems to do since you all wanted Final Fantasy VII remake to fail because they gave Tifa a sports bra and complained non stop about Jill's classic outfit so... None of those things apply to me
>not crying about clothes vidya girls are dressed in means you're a fat woman or retarded I know this is a foreign concept for Yas Forums but I more care about the game itself rather than what the characters look like
Nicholas Evans
>more options in games make me mad arrrrggh so mad
Lucas Phillips
I'm still confused how no modder hasn't made a fixed version of her classic outfit without it being half-assed
>completely superfluous clothing options make me mad arrrrrrgghhh my axe wound
Logan Morales
What the character looks like is part of the game and is important to a shitload of people, you're not some sort of god who transcended all gamers for being blind and stupid.
While you think you look cool and mature for not caring about the protagonist appearence you actually look like a "Don't ask questions, just consume product, and get more excited for more product"
ikr, 2 weeks in and Resident Evil 3 already has a perfect one for Jill which even fixed the anatomy, makes the shorts a miniskirt, makes the sweater smaller, etc yet for Claire, we have either body paint or one that adds an actual shirt with sleeves and covering the neck but it makes the shorts blue instead of pink, hair red, etc.
The body paint ones are the worst since it's extremely noticeable specially when the character is wet.
Cooper Hughes
She is clearly the last girl standing.
Model swap mods when?
Hunter Jones
why is she such a cutie it's not fair. Capcom should have used her voice too
Leo Martinez
>>While you think you look cool and mature for not caring about the protagonist appearence you actually look like a "Don't ask questions, just consume product, and get more excited for more product" >caring about the quality of the game more than the appearance of a character who you spend 95% of time looking at the back of makes you a mindless consoomer