Just Cause 4 and Wheels of Aurelia are currently free

For The King is next weeks free games.

Attached: cause.jpg (1562x754, 275.77K)

Yakuza Kiwami is free on steam tho

thank you for bringing us this advertisement today!

Checked, fuck you Steamie

check fast

No it’s not. My fellow Epicbros told me Steam never gives away games for free, so you must be wrong.

Both are free on The Pirate Bay

Huh, thanks user.

Attached: zz.jpg (510x219, 9K)

>p-please use our store :(
Pathetic, you fucks wouldn't do this if you were #1.

Competition bad!

Offering a worse service is hardly competition.

That's not competition, that's desperation. Go add reviews and forums if you want to compete.

Steam reviews and forums are a fucking joke

just cause 4 isnt even worth it for free what a piece of fucking shit fuck

More free steam games for you anons, be quick.










amongst the list is: Sonic Adventure 2, Okami, Sonic Mania, Hellblade: Senuas sacrifice, Do not feed the monkeys, Moonlighter and three more I can't remember what I added lol.

Fuck Epic. Enjoy Anons.

Small devs have more advertising space for their product on the Epic Store. If I was an indie dev I'd choose them in a heartbeat.

Who said anything about steam? I use GoG.

except they only want indie games that already have a name to attract more people to their platform, they don't want actual indie devs

If you get Hellblade, get yourself a headphone capable of 3D audio!

Indie devs should want their game on as many platforms as possible


also, if any user is looking for a game let me know I can check if I have a code

I'm pretty sure that any indie dev with a project that looks promising gets offered a deal with Epic.

Isn't it just the same game as the others, though? I don't understand how one Just Cause game can be better/worse than another Just Cause game.

>Steam reviews
Not him but i dodged some big bullets by always reading the four-five most helpful negative ones, also it's the best way to read about a game without getting spoiled, believe it or not.

Grabbed Shenmue, thanks user.

Why do Steamies hate competition so much?

I've never played a Yakuza game before, can I start with Kiwami?

did you get the latest 2k games bundle? it's got wwe 2k20 and I would love to play that now, I want to go back to the days when I played wwf no mercy all summer long. if you didn't, or you just get the humble monthly bundles, do you have opus magnum maybe?

They primarily gravitate towards Nintendo Switch because Switch people have infinite money for some reason and will buy anything.

Conversely, releasing on Steam these days as an indie dev is suicidal, there is so much clutter there that it's impossible to get noticed.

Thanks Gabe!

Epic has drastically cut back on exclusives now that the program was mostly a failure and they can't keep them exclusive for more than a month anyway. No more fat paychecks for indie devs who get lucky.

>I'm pretty sure that any indie dev with a project that looks promising
Lol no, they just were using Steam's upcoming games list to pick up anything that was trending, did you miss the small shitstorm a while back? Also, they've turned down good indie games that were already released because they only want exclusives.

they've all been taken i think, but thanks

>it's got wwe 2k20 and I would love to play that now
you really wouldn't

>assuming I use steam

I'm a GoGchad.