Dark Souls is hard but fai-

>Dark Souls is hard but fai-

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Not the first one, that was a janky, broken mess. Dark Souls 2 is when they got their act together and made a half decent game for once.

Talk about Dark Souls 2 I still haven't finish the DLCs

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best fashion
best weapons
best firekeeper
most bosses
best pvp
best areas
best lore (i.e. they didn't give a shit about the lore because dark souls lore is retarded and should be treated as such)
best hub area
best poison area
introduced 60 fps
introduced 8d rolling
bonfire aesthetics
bonfire ascetics
best parry mechanics
best poise mechanics
best backstab mechanics
coolest hidden areas
best boss in the franchise (ivory)

Dark Souls 1 is unplayable after coming back from DS2


>holding away from your opponent in an attempt to run
>get stabbed in the back
Working as intended.

That isn’t the only major problem with Dark Souls. Dark Souls has the:
>worst levels
>worst atmosphere
>samey undead ruins only with a different colour painted all over each time
>worst bosses
>disgusting jank slow-motion combat
>no real SOUL, only nu-soul instead
>awful OST, Sakuraba’s shitting noise inserted into a synthesizer
>worst graphics and artstyle
>most boring NPC questlines (lol they all go crazy and hostile or die off xd)
>cringey lore with no regard for history or technological advancement over time, everythingn is stuck in the same medieval limbo
>Worst and laziest DLC (lol let’s reskin Darkroot for Royal Wood and Tomb of the Giants for Chasm and reskin Undead Burg for Oolacile Township)
>boring and cliche covenants (join Darkwraith to become evil xd, join gravelord to become skeleton warrior xd)
>only two shitty endings: Lmao go to the dark side or go for bittersweet ending, so deep and unique!
>Rips off Berserk the most

>no real SOUL, only nu-soul instead

Fucking shitposting masterpiece hiding in a sea of garbage I hope this catches on

It’s true kek. Dark Souls 1 is basically you’re average schmuck Nintendo game which is propped up by nostalgia. When you play it now though, all it has is a couple of atmospheric tracks without the substance to back it up AKA nu-soul. Bloodborne on the other hand is genuinely SOULFUL. Yet DS1babs call Bloodborne soulless.
DS1babbies, APOLOGISE to Bloodborne

I laugh whenever anyone says Dark Souls is fair

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>Best poison area
Harvest valley is boring as fuck and looks like an early PS2 game, and the only good thing about black gulch is that it's only 30 seconds long.

Bloodborne is literally soulless though.

You can hit people through walls too so it is fair

>30 seconds long
Which is why it's the best. They knew that literally fucking nobody likes the poison areas, yet they don't force you to walk through slow sludge like in DeS, DS1 or DS3.

I don’t care. It still has far more soul than DS1

Okay, this has convinced me the Dark Souls 2 shilling lately is just a joke designed to piss soulsfags off and only a few actual retards have clung onto it thinking they're in good company. Thank you for clearing that up.

now post the ogre webm

>It still has far more soul than DS1
It's Dark Souls without the souls, how can it have more soul?

No, it’s genuinely the best Dark Souls game. Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne are obviously better though.

It has ECHOES though. That’s soulful

i know this is bait, but i'm bored, so please enlighten me what was unfair about this?

>objective facts
lmao, nice false-flag

It can't be more soulful than actual souls. It's quite definitely impossible.

let me just cancel my animations and backstab you from the front

that's totally fair, right?

your fault for trying to ladder fight, retard

You're so close to being right, and yet so wrong.

>has magic, arrows
>tries to kick instead
big brain

>he could have jumped down instead of taking the ladder
>he could have blocked
>he could have dodge rolled
>instead he decided to turn around and exposing his back to an enemy that can parry/backstab you

painting guardians are just backstab gods

what makes 2 different from the rest this has happened to me in all 3
easy to hate on 2 huh bearer of the curse

Do you think it’s the best game in the franchise? Dark Souls 1 and 3 are not good games

too bad nobody actually played demon's souls because I'd love to see melee-only tryhard faggots screech about the dragons and other enemies you can't get to with melee

>he could have blocked
>he could have dodge rolled
>instead he decided to turn around and exposing his back to an enemy that can parry/backstab you
He got wombo combo’d

>ouplayed THIS hard by a shitty npc
lmaoing rly hrd @ u

Well, you're right about 3, at least, though It's still better than the miserable pile that is 2.

Actual redpill coming through, prepare to enter the rabbit hole
Don't @ me, cucks

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-rly simple

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>he didnt shoot him off the ladder with a bow
its not fair for casuals

Dark Souls 2 is literally one of the ugliest video games of the 2010s.

The game is incredibly cuntish towards the player, but you'll love it or learn to love it.

The screen doesn't show but the player clearly has to have perfectly framed them turning their backs to their enemeis as the enemies new attack connected. He was retarded though, as he should have blocked or locked on.

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>turn your back to the ledge
>press O
>press R1
>enemy dead in one stylish jump attack

that's magic weapon, stevie

lmao git gud scrub

>play like a fucking retard
>it's game's fault!
try using bow or lunging attack next time dumbfuck

>doesn't lock on
>doesn't block
>doesn't backstep
>turns around