What's the appeal? It looks like a CS and Overwatch had a retard baby

What's the appeal? It looks like a CS and Overwatch had a retard baby.

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None. They are just trying to dip more into the chink market.

Made to get the chink crossfire players.
Any westerner playing this should gas themselves.

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Just another streamerbait flavor of the month game.

All got paĆ­s to tall wonders about this crap

I played it and its pretty fun. Worth the spyware? Probably not.


Eh its like CSGO without having to look at the source engine.


>see this thread
>get an e-mail confirmation that I got a beta key
What sort of dark sorcery is this

It installs a root kit on your computer lmao

>only gun skins
>no skins for heroes
What the fuck? Who gives a shit about gunskins when people want to coom to their favorite toons.


Its new and free

it's csgo but good

Stop fucking shilling this shit.

>What's the appeal?
None. now fuck off

I look at this game and i see the most soulless, inoffensive watered down game of cs with a hint of overwatch in it. It is not designed by game developers, but by business men and market analysis. There is no story. There is nothing at stake. It's such a bland game it can't even be interesting in audio or visuals. They're pushing it to us now but i really don't think it'll amount to much. Riot will probably cut their losses and work on something else soon enough.

About CS, aside from some original gameplay mechanics, counter strike had real world connections. The guns, the counter terror units you can play as... At a time when terror attacks were a real thing, it didn't have to do much else to gain popularity. A shooter like that was quite new thing back in the day.

OP still doesn't have access to closed beta i see

I just got an email saying I can play the closed beta. It actually looks pretty fun but until/if they ever remove the chink spyware I'm not interested.

Its cool but it runs a cryptominer on your PC 24/7 without your permission

dunno. just got my beta invite so im bout to play it.

>CSGO but even more boring
>absolute cancer to look at
>every ability is some variant of a wall or smoke
>people are STILL gobbling it up for no reason

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whats this about spyware?

>every ability is what you buy every round in cs anyway
Like this is not really a issue
How about the fact that CS is garbage and its literally just CS so its still garbage

Double cringe

CSGO is shit too I'm just calling it like I see it senpai

>What's the appeal?

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seems like its only "content" creators that are gobbling it up trying to force it.

feels like they try to hype up every new game as some sort of fame gold rush attempt. the previous game didnt get them super famous, so move on to the next one in hopes of being one of the lucky few to get a large group of viewers looking into what the next game is in hopes of them sticking around and making you bank.

Its literally simps fooling simps fooling simps.

Riot, aka CHINK PIMPS, are paying twitch trannies into playing their game, incentivizing their streams as the only way to get beta keys.

>TTV tranny shills for CHINK PIMPS
>simps see all their favorite trannies all playing the same game, IT MUST BE GOAT
>simps open up 20 tabs in hopes of getting key
>other simps see massive viewership for Valorant, assume it must be ebin poggerinos
>more simps tune into streams
>the new simps open up 20 tabs

repeat ad nauseam. the real winners are the trannies who are getting paid and inflated viewer counts.

It's the most Chinese western game I have ever played
>"I-It's cell-shaded!" As an excuse to make a game that looks like it's from 10 years ago loaded with solid colors/textures
>Forcing ults into a genre that didn't need it because you only know how to smash random elements of existing games together
>The very deliberate careful imitation of something else (almost like you were trying to sell it in a country where access to the "else" is kinda limited)
>[established genre] with cute girls half of which are vaguely asian, look it makes fanart, that's the same as making money right
>Uhh guns? Jeez those are kinda scary. Better replace them all with weird looking highly geometric sci-fi boxes

You could show me this game and tell me it was blowing up in Beijing and I wouldn't blink. I'm kinda floored that a company supposedly based in California made this

I didnt know shit about Riot until this game came out. Apparently Riot is majority owned by Tenacent, a chink globohomo conglo. Tenacent has investments in many developers, such as Activision and Epic Games. Which explains why Riot does so well with LoL and why Valorant has chinese scribbling on its O.G. maps off the bat.

tl;dr the game is meant for insectoids