Sony may expect to sell fewer PS5 units initially in part because of a higher-than-normal expected price for its next...

>Sony may expect to sell fewer PS5 units initially in part because of a higher-than-normal expected price for its next console. Developers working on PS5 software expect the system to launch for between $499 and $549, according to Bloomberg.

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They are fucked.

Do the kids here really not remember the price of PS2/PS3 ??

Im certainly not defending them but how the fuck did you not see that coming

I'd pay 600 bucks for PS5.


Imagine paying 600 bucks for a machine with literally zero games.

What's the tech specs for this price point?

You mean the same price or cheaper than the PS3 depending on the model you are talking about? Heaven forbid.

nobody has that kind of money free with the world as it is. they'd be better off just waiting for it to cool down and keep themselves going with sales

>Imagine doing something that has already been done before

What are you, 18?

Where were you when they won?

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Im glad you know already which games are coming out oh wait you dont fuck off kid :^)

series x is gunna be at least 500

I do

>being a sheep

very good price, will be more in europe though

$599 US Dollars

cerny really fucked up.

They should just delay it for a year or two and release cheaper with slightly better specs.

The new consoles seem really rushed to me. The new xbox sounds nice, but it is also huge as fuck. Would be better with a light edition.

Microsoft are basing it on Sony's price and undercutting them.

>buying consoles without games
What are you retarded?

Exactly, as of today, the thing has literally no games. Also, it's not a Japanese company anymore, so don't expect much support from Japanese devs other than maybe Capcom and Fromsoft, since they're a bunch of westaboos.

>source: my ass

Does this thread only contain shitposting kids ?

Hi Yas Forums remember when you said the PS4 would be 599$ and bomb?

That was funny.

>7 years of development

Do you want me to google a list where it clearly says that the PS4 has more games than the Xbox and Switch or are you gonna do it yourself, kid ?

ok kid, nobody cares

I'm sure you would pay 700 bucks for a ps5 even if it were a kick on the balls you dumb sonygroid.

Source Phil Spencer himself.

They could spend a thousand years on it and it could still be rushed. Time doesn't save incompetence.

Usually, the longer time spend, the more a project gets rushed in the end when the deadline draws close and they realise they bit over more than they could chew.

It will be PS3 all over again.
$599 at launch price drop after 2 months

I don't like low-cost consoles. They don't feel premium at all. I remember owning the PS3 and it felt premium af.

And don't say "if you want premium get a PC!". That shit feels like a garage sale.

the reason it's that size is to remain cool and silent and yet have the performance it does. more time won't change the laws of physics, dumbass.

>throttles down to below 5700 XT level
>ugly as fuck due to the case compromises they had to make very late
>too scared to straight up copy based Xbox design
>soi-niggers once again prove why they are the orcish horde of the gaming world, 60 IQ and unable to make good purchasing decisions

The og ps3 felt like chink shit.

This. I hate it when something costs less and tries to offers more. It just doesn't feel right in my consoomer brain. I need to be ripped off good.

>Switch has 2293 games
>PS4 has only 2549 even though it came out 4 fucking years before the Switch

You'd probably sell your balls for a PS5, snoy

Buying a console on launch is retarded anyway. Wait a couple years for some exclusives and a price drop to make it worth your time.

And honestly, the only thing that will make me consider buying a PS5 is another Bloodborne-esq exclusive. Uncharted 5, TLOU 3, Horizon: Zero Tranny or Nights Gone ain't gonna make me spend a dime.

>Sony went big on the one component that is historically expensive
>It won't even make a huge real life difference

I knew they made a mistake. People were going to be wowed by any fucking SSD you toss in the console after years of hard drives. Instead they wanted to double down and chase DRAM that's way too expensive per unit.

It's obvious gamers should only own a PC and a Switch. Piss-station is irrelevant logically speaking. If you are poor then buy the cheaper and more powerful Xbox. We don't need Piss-station anymore.

>Comparing bloatware numbers to bloatware numbers

There are literally only 4-6 games worth mentioning on the Switch

Why is my new phone completely silent and small compared to my old PS2, despite my phone being more powerful, then?


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That's more than the 1 worth owning on the nogamesstation3.

PC + Switch + Playstation is the only logical choice

Holy shit, defensive much? I own both those systems.

because a ps2 is 20 year old tech and your new phone probably cost more than 500 bucks and still performs worse than current gen consoles let alone next gen ones.


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I'll pay that much if they have ps1/2 hardware emulation

That's not a launch day fat 60GB PS3 though

What do you guys think the actual console will look like? Will they take Xbox's tower-approach, a more traditional brick-like machine or perhaps something unique like the devkit?

What'd you prefer?

Good goy!

Sony aren't creative. They stole Xbox's controller design and will probably steal their tower-design too. But instead make it white (to appeal to the black people who think owning white stuff makes you fancy).

I would actually prefer it look more like the dev kit though. Honestly I miss the times when consoles actually looked interesting and unique and not 3 different shades of black brick. I praise Xbox for trying something a little different.

So what you are saying is... that time does improve the tech.

something that fits under the newest Sony Bravia

And Microsoft stole their controller idea from the GameCube

MS was making controllers long before they made Xboxes, but you're too fucking young to know that.