Is Apex Legends worth playing despite the blatant SJW pozz?
Is Apex Legends worth playing despite the blatant SJW pozz?
is this the vtuber thread?
its fun if you are good at fps, i am not so i dont enjoy this game at all.
can i post this to reddit?
Have they added more maps yet?
Only problem is shitty ea customer support. They couldn't help with account recovery.
So if something fucks up - dont be upset
It's a shit game that had good ideas for other, better, BRs to use. Don't play it.
ars is cute
I gave it another try thanks to Roboco and did fairly well. I think the game can be fun. Games are faster than PUBG. The worst part about it is how pozzed it is.
It is on console.
It's completely unplayable if you plan to play on PC. Every other match is full of hackers so unless you plan to hack yourself you are better off on console.
big face
it's a multiplayer only game retard, just turn dialogue off
I've have 450 hours in the game and ran into a hacker that killed me 2 times.
>Only Play Caustic
>Gas enemy
>Gas teammates
>Block doors
Just making everyone angry and annoyed is so fucking fun.
>that had good ideas for other, better, BRs to use.
Like what, exactly? Apex was the last of the big 3 BRs to release.
Only way you'll meet hackers is if you get diamond/predator ranked and play comp nonstop. Everything below that is generally pretty hacker free, and much less tryhard by the Twitch streamer wannabes.
ping system primarily
he probably means the ping system and commo rose that should be implemented in every fucking multiplayer game but isn't because devs are lazy retards with no ideas or understanding of good game design.
pubg, blops 4 and warzone needs this desperately
What in the fuck is that thing on the bottom right???
warzone changed their ping system to match Apex.
Its my favorite battle royal game, pretty fun
Why would you ever play a BR period? B i g F a c e
Sure, if you're a cuck. Besides, gameplay wise it's absolute shit like Overwatch, but somehow that game was massively popular too. Guess you can chalk that up to the Blizzdrones though.
no, not even remotely.
they rip off apex legends but did it in a half assed way. every step forward is a step backwards type deal.
i'm guessing the reason they did like this and not just improve their game by fully adopting the ping system is because they want to avoid getting sued? because that is the only reason i can think of for why they wouldn't just MAKE THE FUCKING GAME GOOD
Just play Warzone instead.
it's addictive and the sjw stuff isn't noticeable in the game itself. plus all the characters are actually likable in their own way.
Warzone is literal broken dogshit compared to apex. MW is fun though.
i loved mw and played warzone and thought it felt like a cheap gamemode.
the characters are fucking atrocious and they quite literally designed them to be like that. obnoxious, constantly talking, unfunny jokes, cringe voice acting, cringe lines, etc.
they did it on purpose
Up to personal opinion, I never had an issue with any of them. Also, You should expect that with any character-based team-oriented game.
Not as fast as Titanfall 2 dont care