Doom Eternal

post your gripes with the game, major or minor

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they ruined the BFG for me, you barely use it except for the last level. I would've preferred if it was weaker but you got to use it more
also the crucible is way too OP and shouldn't be in the game, it's just a dumb marketing tool that doesn't do the game any favors

if the amount of ammo you could carry around was even slightly higher the game would be way better. even if they spawned more chainsaw fuel so you could occasionally use it on the bigger demons that would be nice, you NEVER have 3 fuel ready

Why did they have to make the enviroments more "videogamey"? Some places look like fucking Bowser castle, 2016 had the perfect balance between videogamey and immersive enviroment for me, and they fucked it up in this one.

Chain should be on separated button
Sword turns into normal weapon. Maybe some new attacks from having specific armor/hp threshold for it. Like sword in Dusk
BFG turns into current sword, seperate button, 3 charges
More level design like final level, without clear arena - corrodor - arena pattern
Less cringe in story

The multiplayer is complete and utter shit.

>videogamey in video game bad
>praises red brown shit from 16 demo
Get out.

BGF 10,000 maps final area is bugged, soundtrack stops playing and some effects like glory kill highlights bug out. And this can persist to levels after that so you have to restart if you're unlucky.

>Chain should be on separated button
But it already is

Tell how you can use it when carrying minigun

Or you're just shit. I regularly chainsaw Dread Knights for much easier kills. Preserving 3 stacks of Chainsaw is definitely worth it in later levels.

Team deathmatch should be added and an option where if you fall to your death you die so extra life mode can be more like turok

I haven't played Eternal but I didn't like DOOM's reliance on execution kills for ammo and health, and as far as I know it's worse now
Why can't I just shoot things until they die?

I was wondering if that was just me.

>Why can't I just shoot things until they die?
But you can.

I didn't care for DOOM 2016, it just got boring quickly for me. But I just built a crazy i9-9900k RTX build... considering buying this just to enjoy the visuals and kill some stuff. Is it fun?

I lost interest in this game at the cultist base while on the other hand I put over 20 days of Animal Crossing. I'll eventually come back to it when I have nothing else to play but it really wasn't worth the impulse buy.

not enough hell. the 3 sentinel homeland levels fucking sucked, I absolutely hated that generic fantasy environment. they should've just gone with making 3 more hell levels

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my major gripe is needing a beth account to play the fucking game

i changed my password to my account three times and spent over 30 minutes just trying to play the single player

easiest refund of my life trash game trash company trash every thing

fully agree

depends, what did you not like about 16?

By pressing the dedicated keybind? Are you a controller player or something?

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>But I just built a crazy i9-9900k RTX build
nobody tell him zen3 Ryzen is coming this year and so are 3000 series RTX cards that may actually be able to support ray tracing at a level that's playable.

I was talking about ss chain you dumbo

Oh, did they add a mode that places health and ammo in the stage and skips the flashing stun animation on all the monsters? I might buy it in that case

Are you retarded or what
There are plenty of pick ups on arenas/corridors in Eternal

That would be stupid, it's already beyond busted as is.

If you're good you dont need to glorykill enemies for health. You still need to chainsaw things occasionally though.

Icon of Sin was one of the most disappointing final boss in gaming. It didn't work in Transformers War for Cybertron with Trypticon & it definitely doesn't work now.Should have just ended the game at the Khan Maykr if they weren't gonna try.

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Right, but I mean more to compensate for the No Glory Kills Mode

so I just beat this mission (nightmare), took me a few hours but I did it. The slayer gate was the hardest thing I've ever done, probably took 15 tries but eventually I did it. the difficulty spike was obscenely high compared to the rest of the level. they added like 2 new enemy types I had never seen before and honestly the shielded tank guy is probably the hardest enemy in the game to deal with, 8 of my deaths were to him. even with getting the shield down, getting multiple rockets and ballista shots and then a supershotgun and THEN a blood punch and the motherfucker is still shooting rockets at me, I don't even.
probably died 10 times to the marauder before I finally figured out the dodge pattern, which is basically just dashing in circles until he turns green. on nightmare it takes literally 10 shotgun blasts to the face which means beating him takes over a minute long, which for a single enemy is completely ridiculous.
Gotta say, the difficulty spike overall here was massive, really bad design. it's clear the designers never played nightmare, the game is not balanced for it at all. there are so many attacks coming at you that sometimes you just get unlucky. eventually though if you run around in circles enough you get through it. glory killing on this level of difficulty is almost impossible since standing still for half a second is instant death, you get most of your hitpoints from flame+chainsaw on zombies as you frantically speed around the stage like sonic the hedgehog.
it's exhilarating and also extremely frustrating but most importantly extremely satisfying once you win, however if this maurader enemy gets stacked on top of other enemies in the future, idk. he's barely manageable solo, I can't see myself getting past a stage with him and some other high tiers at the same time unless there's a trick i'm missing

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Fucking hate the marauders they slow down the game every fucking time you encounter them, every enemy is gone and I spend about 5 minutes fighting them

Glory kills purely for getting health and recharge super punch in Eternal
Alfhough you rely on gk during first levels because you don't have enough equipment but as the game progress you won't even need them.

Major-Music sucks
Minor-The Unmakyr was complete shit

Thats not doom 3 cyberdemon launch soul cube 3 times to win

Based short temper retard

Holy fuck you're bad

Finish them first then stun + bfg and they are gone.

>he's barely manageable solo, I can't see myself getting past a stage with him and some other high tiers at the same time unless there's a trick i'm missing
you don't fight him along super heavies, he's only accompanied by easily dispatchable heavies and fodder
just stun him and one-shot him with the bfg

He just wants an excuse to complain. Worthless

Wheres Invasion mode? I'm not happy its not in the game. I'm not big on the multiplayer but I haven't played it much at all.

I feel like immersion and steady action were 2 things they didn't care about at all in eternal. the combat is broken up by cinematics and platforming constantly, and immersion is non-existent (green floating guns, 1ups, 4th wall breaking stuff non-stop, environments that look only like a videogame level instead of a functional area, etc.)

I still like it but it feels like it's missing alot of the things that made doom 2016 special

Stupid question but what's this thing where teh UI/edge of the screen occasionally turns green? It's very distracting. Can I turn it off?

>Wheres Invasion mode?
wondering this myself, I feel misled because they advertised it during E3 but didn't mention it wasn't in the initial release

>it's exhilarating and also extremely frustrating but most importantly extremely satisfying once you win, however if this maurader enemy gets stacked on top of other enemies in the future, idk. he's barely manageable solo, I can't see myself getting past a stage with him and some other high tiers at the same time unless there's a trick i'm missing

Stay in middle range, the point is to try and bait him to using the axe swing which is the green light attack. Map your buttons so that you can easily combo Super Shotgun blast to a weapon like Ballista. The spirit dog can be shot, dont expect its an unkillable projectile even though it looks like one.

For me Marauder fight means, stay in mid range, see green light, press Q (Supershotty hotkey) and click, then LAlt (Ballista hotkey) and Click. Repeat 3-8 times depending how much the other enemies get in the way of your shots, relocate when enemies try to surround you.

Dodge his attacks with sideways dashes and strafes, Marauders dont actually try to get to really close range, they also try to home in on middle-range so they can swing their axes at you.

Y'know, I was thinking about how we would do a single player DLC. You don't play as the Slayer. Or the Betrayer, or Crash, or Phobos. No.

You play as a random ARC soldier who, along with his squad, gets sent on a mission to recover as many human survivors as possible. However, he gets separated from his group, and ends up fighting across a city to get to his extraction point. Shit gets completely absurd, though.

He plays differently from the Slayer, obviously.

>doom 2016
The only special thing about 16 game is that it was an only Coom entry after doom 3 shitfest 12 years ago.

between waiting for Replicant and this game's master levels, i'm starved for shit to do

>minor gripes
You can't use monster skins in single player. Don't know why since you can use Slayer skins and weapon skins just fine. Would be really cool to fight monsters with randomized skins from the ones you own.

I miss demons being able to glory kill you like in 2016.

>Stay in middle range
do NOT do this. stay at long range, he'll bum-rush you and do a very predicable swing after you dodge his projectile

Play indieshit fps

crucible completely ruins the concept of super heavies

there's always Bannerlord

ok seriously HOW. THE. FUCK. DO. YOU. DEAL. WITH. THIS. GUY.
like holy shit man I'm mad as fuck right now. in the past 5 hours probably 15 of my 30 deaths have been from this enemy. I just can't even conceive of the absolutely obscene amount of firepower required to take him down, all while dodging the hardest attack patterns in the entire game. Even getting enough time to get his shields down is the hardest thing in the entire game to do, and then after that it takes what seems like at least 30 seconds of ballista/rocket switching to take him down, which is the highest dps I can even put out and that is just too goddamn much for a single enemy

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None, it's literally perfect.

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i'm saving my money for Replicant desu, only have room for one game. is Bannerlord good, though? my ex was super hyped for it all those years ago.

kinda burned out on shooters too, to be desu, but i might touch that free game in my library