

What did I do? Why is "WARNING" happening on my screen?

Attached: warning.png (1280x720, 1.34M)

Not a single soul:
You: Damn big titties.

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well watching hentai is a red flag so it's warning you that you will never get a girlfriend

You gonna get ntr'd bro

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God damn I knew I loved discord for a reason.

Look at this Chad

Wait. Is this out already?

This, what game is it OP?

Just a demo.
A shitty one too.

No, it's a trial version.

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>Takeda Hiromitsu


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>babby's first hentai artist
I remember I fapped to his doujin when I was 14

Ya 'avent registarad yer porn loisanse ya nonce.

greg see big circles greg pp get big


Better getting horny at big circles than long thin rectangles faggot

waht game and is it translated?

Just reminder kid 99% of eroge are not translated and won't

Reminder, kids, the only stuff that isn't translated is stuff that isn't worth translating.

You are wrong, some important game translations took many years or didn't even happen.
For porn games basically nothing ever gets translated.

sounds like sour grapes

You just know.

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whats the appeal of hgames having rpg sections? I just want to fap

story make your fap better, also it's interactive
but yeah, I don't understand those Chinks putting Chinese subs on JAV

If you don't like games, go read doujins.


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A demo

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what's the difference between NTR and cuckolding?