>A 5 year old loli beat sekrio in 1 hour..
what is Yas Forums's excuse?
A 5 year old loli beat sekrio in 1 hour
cant wait to see this on the front page of reddit.
I'm not that good at sekiro.
Or whatever you need to get that speed.
rent free
cute girl
Japan needs to be nuked again
hella epic! upboated!
based loli
the fact that you were so easily triggered by his comment definitely means you're a redditor lol. you guys have fragile egos
No, you're triggered. See, you're crying and angry at the Chad redditor.
Much better than their disgusting western roastie counterparts.
Based Japan does it again.
For me, its the new squirrel girl vtuber Risu. She seems fun.
She isn't really a kid that's just a drawing. She's a falsetto adult
> you guys have fragile egos
People on reddit don't cry and freak out if you visit other websites like Yas Forums.
yes they do, they literally have subreddits for freaking out over shit like that
Meanwhile on Yas Forums you do it on every board
i want to fuck the dog
did she just spank the dog girl
Yes. Cat and dog are very good friends.
We don't like your shit all over our floors, faggot. Fuck off. Can't you take a fucking hint?
Triggered lmao
How do you fags find these vtubers on youtube. I don't even get them as recommendations.
>meanwhile western e-thots
Why do we have back to back Hololive threads these last days? Is /jp/ trying to build another colony on Yas Forums again?
>Post some funny meme clip that was reuploaded on nico but without Bibili watermark
>Chink seeth
>Make some fake yesh yeah sorry sorry
>Chinks feels insulted and keep seeth
>Schedule a MGS stream to replay the part Youtube nuked
>Chink seeth and dislike bombed the stream begore it even start
>Taiwan and Hong Kong in a combined effort donate in basically 30 minutes 3 million yen total while screaming racist insults towards china mainland still seething
>Pekora promised a full franchise playthrough starting with Metal Gear Solid 1 this week enf
Usada "Chen can suck it" Pekora
next time, don't reply to him
"having the last say" makes you look like an angry retard
what the fuck are you talking about
e-celeb board when?
にじさんじ and ホロライブ is a start
The great Pekora War that has been on going for the last 3 days
I'm just a retard looking for yous
I'm sorry, but only the cat is allowed to fuck the autism dog.
Pekora laughing all the way to the bank as chinks throw a big stank.
The great liberator.
Is going to bit her in the ass isn't?.
I am bad at video games
china hypocrisy, when they steal shit around the world all the time somehow a single video from their site uploaded on niconico without linking the source triggered them like the vtuber murdered their whole family, lots of bullying and she keep sucking china cock
I don't give a fuck.
Kindergarten uniforms turn me on.
Rent free.
She does?.
don't they cry and freak out if you just visit other subreddits? hating the other is an internet tradition, try to keep up.
unless you btfo him with the last word, which makes you look like a chad.
>5 year old loli
Watch one or two translation channels for vtubers, watch the ones you aren't subscribed to. The next day your recommendation will be nothing but vtubers. It's been months and the algorithm keeps finding me things I love. The algorithm is trying to push those videos so you subscribe and consistently watch those channels videos but if you don't sub, it's going to keep looping trying to give you more videos to watch. It's a win win either way.
Putting kindergarten uniforms to older girls makes my dick rock hard.
Just gonna do a stream on Bibibli and then her obligations with china will be over
>what is Yas Forums's excuse?
I don't own it and have no interest in buying or even pirating it?
would you get a pekora wife?
the downside is you get a pekora wife
The usual then.
Carry on.
the chinks are mad because she linked a video without crediting them even though its her original video
I've been having weird dreams lately where she tortures my nuts. Can't wait for the next one.
>retard who doesn't understand vtubers act like he does
every thread
>what is Yas Forums's excuse?
sekiro is shit and so is cuck souls.
>Have to cook, clean, and work to support her playing video games all day long
She wouldn't be my first choice, but sure.
Is she gonna make it bros? Is Youtube AI going to come after her?
>he still thinks female vtubers are men
Can I bully her by stealing her hair carrots?
i have no interest in speedruning most games and i ain't buying it for more than 10€
since i'm in no hurry to play it , i'm fine
whats your excuse to buy overpriced shit?
Play doom you bitch.
I want to see you cry in thy flesh consumed like i did.
everyone knows it's a guy
Korone is too powerful to be contained.
But it is? You posted in it even.
How does this even happen? Why would any facerig have the original video streaming behind their avatar?
Excuse for what?
I'm taking longer because I'm 100%ing the game rather than speedrunning
I think that would kill her.
To be honest both western whores and bitches Vtubers are the same 3DPD and if you like to watch this shit it means that you are 15 and like to eat shit.
Never happening, give up on it.
i hope someone strangles you to death