Would everyone still be thirsty for Cloud if it came out that he had a small dick?

Would everyone still be thirsty for Cloud if it came out that he had a small dick?

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Even moreso.


He has a small feminine penis which is why both Zack and Sephiroth also lust after him alongside Tifa, Aerith, and Jessie.

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Small dicked blond twinks are my fetish you fool

>the strap-on it is!

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Status and confidence matter more. He's ex-SOLDIER First Class, or so everyone thinks.
You think the majority of women will pass up a chance to sleep with Channning Tatum if it's revealed he has a small dick? Fuck no

I actually prefer small dicks.

I'm a guy tho

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I know, aren't they super cute? Which vidya boys do you think have small dicks, besides Cloud?

This bitch ass and his overcompensating shoes.

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Leon Kennedy.

Only guys care about dick size

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Is this true? Asking for a... uh... friend.

It ain't the size of the bike, but the feet behind the pedal that counts

Women talk about dick size CONSTANTLY. Ironic, because most of them are terrible judges of it.

They talk about dick size because its something constantly being portrayed in the media as being important, so they use it for achieving in-group status (i.e. my boyfriend has a bigger dick than yours, which increases his value as a man and consequently my value as a woman).

I doubt dick size is that important for women during sex, as most women cannot even orgasm by penetration alone.

every male Persona character cause they are japs

Whats a good size for a penis? Asking for a friend.

about 12-15 m2

Anything below 10 inches will never please a woman

>spoilering over 20 year old stuff

Four inches stiff is ideal


I have a massive dick and I love overshadowing small trap dicks with my own.


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There is NOTHING like have a bf who is both taller than you and has a bigger dick.

i've seen enought doujinshi to know that these are not true

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this is a hot thread. I hope it lasts long enough to archive naturally

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Sora definitely has a small dick, Riku is the one who is packing.

It would be adorable if he did.
Is this a meme, I feel like I've heard this before.

17-19cm is a good size.
20cm is commonly what size queens want, but that'll be too big for some, though you're gonna have an easier time getting a girl to consider a dick that is bigger than her preference than smaller than her preference. Some won't settle for less than 23cm.

Do people unironically like large penises? It feels like a spear impaling you. Actual girl here by the way.

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There's this friend of mine who has a particularly small dick, does he still have hope?

she wouldnt believe it until she saw it
women dont think good looking men can have small dicks


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Everyone knows Mako injections stunt your growth and shrink your balls.

tits or gtfo

why worry
just make your gashing wound larger tranny

Is this a metaphor for using your feet to fuck a woman?

>you will never make fun of Sephiroth's microdick

9S has perfectly smooth, synthetic little peepee and it is CUTE!

I domt think Cloud has a small dick. He is probabky average.

Small dick crossdressing blonde twink

Thank you for the beautiful mental image

>that beautiful bush
Very nice