Play Deus Ex

Play Deus Ex.

Attached: Deus Ex Alternative Solutions.webm (853x480, 2.8M)

Make me.

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>how do we increase the difficulty of this game in the most retarded way possible?
>i know, let's make the player wait for 3 seconds for his crosshair to stabilize before every shot!

Based zoomer.

literally just get a laser sight

Is there a source port?

I literally only play games on my Switch.

Buy me a copy.

You can get a laser sight in the very first mission in a bunker behind the statue.. This removes the crosshair stabilization. Go play again.

You can have this onions food

cool game they should make a remaster in unreal engine for visual graphics

Play Dues Ex.
Live Dude Sex.

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kill yourself

>webm literally shows a guy not giving a fuck about the stabilization and killing the target anyway


wow i can do that in a bethesda rpg

not that guy, but I just played the steam version and laser sight seemed to do nothing.

I kinda raced through paris. what happens with the kid who joined MJ12 who's dad has given up on him? I heard their conversation in the cafe but that's about it, I couldn't be assed to explore further, felt like getting to the endgame.

what happened to him?

laser sight is literally exactly where you bullet gonna hit, turn it on and then wait for laser to cross target head.

It's not exactly intended to make the game more difficult, but to represent the character skill level with the weapon.

You don't really run into him, per se--it's just intended to make you consider what's happening when you're relentlessly mowing down MJ12 troops. They're people, sure, but they also are making the choice to be part of the new world order even if it means turning their back on their country. Same with when you kill/fight UNATCO troops--you get to know what they're like for the first half of the game and suddenly they're gunning for you like storm troopers.

Were they boning?

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>superhuman secret agent with cybernetic enhancements
>still takes 7 seconds to shoot because somehow he still sucks with guns
yeah, it's still fucking stupid user

Better ways to do this. Say, decrease accuracy based on distance, with upgrades increasing max distance.

more like clanging


she broke his skul gun, if you know what I mean

>playing the steam version

>Zooms don't know what an RPG is
Back to CoD.

CoD is boomercore now
Plus it's the series that popularized RPG mechanics in MP games and ruined them with unlocks and progression

I'm probably older than you.

Zoomer is a mentality.

yeah the mentality of upholding old shit as perfect and not acknowledging its flaws in order to project gamer cred