Turn BASED or "real" time

turn BASED or "real" time,
what's your opinion Yas Forums?

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black niggers

Real time. Turn based was great 15-30 years ago. It's dated and old now.

I like both.

turn based? based on what?

We'll meet in the middle and say turn-based with pause

you can say the same thing about real time

In party based games turn based is better.

Real time with pause is complete shit. On higher difficulties you're pausing every second to micromanage your party as though it were a turn based game anyway, and on lower difficulties you can just auto attack everything to death which isn't fun either.

I like how BG3 is doing the turns this time around, gives me an X-COM Feel, though I know that its not exactly 5e in that way

>all "real time" strategy have turned into lord management games with MUH UNIQUE UNIT ABILITIES
>all turn "BASED" games have turned into crufty monstrosities that simulate economic output debuffs from a platoon captain stubbing his toe and tripping into a wheelbarrow
When did we diverge into the worst timeline?

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Real time with pause

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either as long as it's done right.

I will admit I was initially against it not being rtwp like the original Baldur's Gate games (not counting console spinoffs), but this looked fine on the gameplay reveal to me. In fact, it makes me wanna go try out Original Sin 2, since everybody says it's the same thing.

Turn based - with the game designed around you using turn based combat - but with the option to play real time, if you want.

For isometric RPGs? Turn based. Any other RPG? Real Time. I tolerate RTWP.

For strategy or tactical games I go both ways.

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MFW I got to sit back and watch all the RTWP fags literally lose their shit over BG3

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Why do westacucks hate beauty?

Pause is not chad at all. Real time without pause is the only acceptable answer.

>as though it were a turn based game anyway
It's really not the same at all.
Each day in Europa Universalis isn't like a turn in a turn based game even if you pause all the time, since each day isn't as eventful and some things play out slower than others. Real time with pause allows finer control when necessary.

Turn based or pause n play

It was glorious. Best timeline for D&D RPGs. We get all sorts too. Pathfinder for RTwP and Turn Based, True Turnbased in both Solasta and BG3.
It is a good day for d20s.

Turn based. Real time with pause only exists because in theory people want to capture the 'real time' sense of action. But unless you're playing low difficulties you're going to be pausing all the time anyway, completely defeating the point. Mechnically real time rpgs are just turn based without pauses at the turns, and force the players to pause themselves. You could argue having to track more details manually is its own fun but it just seems inferior and clunky to me.

for a githyanki she looks hot desu

I feel you brother. My two favorite genres are RTS and Stealth.

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turn based


>Get in a fight
>Okay you hit me now it's my turn to hit you
As compared to
>Get in a fight
>Both fighters have opportunity to rain down punishment without getting hit back
Which one sounds more fun?

But consider this
>real time isometric RPG with real time combat and no pause
>Turn based FPSRPG(like morrowind or new vegas)

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I like the strategic aspects of turn-based more in RPGs. I don't like how catering to "the wider audience" has resulted in RPGs being the equivalent of pro wrestling retardation now.

Either turn based with simultaneous enemy actions and very fast animations.
Or RTWP with a lot of AI triggers and good default presets.

You faggots fucked up my diction so goddamn hard I had to take an extra second to decipher he wasn't calling anything "BASED"

Both are good justs top fucking mixing them it never turns out fun.
Xenoblade series, Ni No Kuni, FF15, FF7R, etc are all hyper turds that appeal to neither and just play like the worst of both worlds.

oh but I was


are they related somehow

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>Either turn based with simultaneous enemy actions and very fast animations.
More turn based games need to explore that.
With the actions being so incredibly impactful, and you moving such long distances it can get very jarring with how much you can do while all the others wait their turn.
In a TBS game like Master of Magic it isn't so bad, because the units do so little each turn. Infantry move 1 tile, Cavalry move 2 tiles, there's a bit more beyond that, but that's the gist of it.
In Age of Wonders 2 though you could easily have units zoom around ignoring opportunity attacks because they have so much movement they can move out of reach and into the fray again while everyone else remains motionless, it's still a good game, but just not ideal.


>all "real time" strategy have turned into lord management games with MUH UNIQUE UNIT ABILITIES

man... I still have a hard time seeing MOBAs as any sort of strategy game. They just look like normal hack and slash. I know Warcraft 3 was probably one of the first very popular examples of RTS with hero units, but saying it's the same shit as dota is like saying Doom is a hentai game cause of H-Doom imo.

>all turn "BASED" games have turned into crufty monstrosities that simulate economic output debuffs from a platoon captain stubbing his toe and tripping into a wheelbarrow

What's this a reference of?

Real time without pause.

Based on turns

how about real time with turns

both of those descriptions could easily apply to real time and turn based rpgs, except for the 'turn' part. I think what you're trying to say is it sounds way less fun to act on a turn than in real time. Which sounds true sure, but in effect in any isometric rpg with real time pauses, you're not going to experience that anyway unless you play on lower difficulties. Isometric rpg combat is essentially the same as turn based anyway, just with turns cycling on a timer as opposed halting and waiting for commands. It is technically an extra skill that is introduced in terms of managing effectively without turn structure, but added skills that apply to the game is not always a good thing in the same way that it wasn't a good thing for chivalry to have behind-the-back-bent-over-instant-overhead-swings to learn to parry against