>EVO still on schedule to happen
Based Wizard not caving into the meme virus. Right now it's the only thing I have to look forward to since everything else is cancelled.
>EVO still on schedule to happen
Based Wizard not caving into the meme virus. Right now it's the only thing I have to look forward to since everything else is cancelled.
Is melee in if not who gives a fuck
lockdown should be over or greatly relaxed in may so it isn't really in danger
and if lockdown continues, there will be a lot more to worry about than autism competitions
What made him think hopping up on stage to challenge the champ was a good idea?
the spirit of marvel made him do that
But why didn't the spirit allow the match to happen? Was it too weak to fight off Mcrib's security?
>But why didn't the spirit allow the match to happen?
there was a discrepancy in the force
Because Mr Wizard knows that if he cancels EVO this year he'll go bankrupt
>evo happens
>all the toxic people get corona and fucking die
>the fgc improves 100 fold
I'm ok with this!
Must be a weak spirit if it can't even handle Wong.
He's waiting for the venue or the government to cancel it so the cost doesn't fall on him
Lockdown should honestly continue until the vaccine has been widely distributed, but since that isn't an option I wonder what is going to happen. The latter half of 2020 will be interesting.
it lie dormant for all those years, it wasn't at his full power level yet
Everything fun's been ruined and he & Tedros are going to get away with it.
if marns leg didnt kill them they'll survive corona too
Great, more people here and on r/kappa whining about women and transwomen in the community...
>>EVO still on schedule to happen
really? I thought they would atleast push it back to another date or something
hopefully this kills every last fgcuck
Maybe all the discord trannies can go to EVO now and get infected so I don't have to deal with them anymore when trying to play online.
Sounds based
Sounds Yas Forumstard like but ok.
>Sounds Yas Forumstard like but ok.
>really want to go to EVO for the first time
>trip to the other side of the planet but I'm ready to do it
>the whole Covid situation, and America being one of the worst hit, is making me doubt if it's worth the risk and whether the event will even have the same energy it normally does
international attendance will defintely be less than normal
you can always go 2021 or 2022
any 2022 we might actually have a new tekken, street fighter or marvel so I’d actually wager that’s the better option
If they actually run the event, no one's going to be there. It might actually be decent.
>you can always go 2021 or 2022
but I play FighterZ and I don't think it'll be there anymore
You can't imprison the entire world forever. It'll be another year before vaccines are ready.
>America being one of the worst hit
That's not even remotely true. We have large numbers, but only because we have the largest population outside of places like China or India. Percentage wise it's very small. Where I live only 0.003% are infected. It's literally a non-issue.
China and India have less deaths combined than U.S
Don't listen to his drivel, the US is an incompetent c*pitalist shithole that should be purged. China is handling this much better.
China covers up their numbers, don't believe their lies. I have no idea what's going on with India.
good hope the virus kills every retard who watches this shit and goes there
Corporations and governments are way too greedy to properly lockdown things, its a big reason why it spread so much in the first place. Even though it was too early to tell if it was as bad as it was, many rules and regulations are created to preemptively stop potential problems, the measures taken should of been preemptive, not reactive.
How do fighting cucks cope about smash?
>Franchise still selling better and better
>Competitive scene grows stronger with each game and even has one old game still alive which is still pretty strong all things considered
>meanwhile fighting games sell less and less and playerbase stays the same
>Lockdown should honestly continue until the vaccine has been widely distributed
A vaccine should be heavily focused on, sure. Once countries reach herd immunity levels they'll probably relax the lockdown though.
Japanese devs just need to get competent enough to put good netcode in their games. After that continent-wide online tournaments for fighting games would be no problem.
>believing China's telling the truth about its fatality count
Even so, it's not like everyone who's gotten COVID's condemned to death. The amount of recoveries to deaths is almost a 4:1 ratio in the US, 5.16k to 1.35k, against a 331M population, so long as you aren't a walking petri dish with glass bones, even if you do get the virus, you should be fine if you treat it like influenza & stay rested.
>tfw thug finals will never be formatted in competitive play
>the only thug finals in recent history was the ARMS open invitational
Nope, keep playing with the same 5 trannies with 1000 hours in the game each through discord so have fun if you are new to the game lmao
Why is Metera so shameless bros?
Doesn't explain how a petri dish of disease like India is doing fine
Fuck off
It only spread because airlines kept flying infected tourists and businessmen all around the world. Video conferencing exists and tourists don't NEED to be traveling, especially in February. Blame the airlines, not government.
With Zinac working with ArcSys I'm hoping they find a way to patch in rollback in some of their existing games.
this fat fuck doesnt give a shit huh, pretty based
people above the age of 12
Must've had a really fun experience at one point, which lead to her seeking for more and more.
there gonna have to bring back smelee if they want viewers