Around 30 ~ 45 days left until Xenoblade 1 Definitive Edition releases. Post your theories for future connected, your favorite Xeno game, and discuss whatever else.
Shion is kind of a piece of shit but her work ethic and determination is admirable.
Future connected ends with Shulk meeting Rex for real. Xenoblade 3 is a crossover of both games. It would make too much money not to do.
She's an actually realistic portrayal of a woman, unlike any of the girls in 2
nigga, it's 43 days until it's out. how hard is it to count? why give a range?
She's easily a better protag than infinite optimism power of friendship faggots like Rex
Fuck you.
>A crossover of both games
I'd rather we didn't do something like that. I feel like 3 will end up being a sequel to both 1/2, but not in a super direct way, and not with the casts of either game being prevalent
Xenoblade makes money regardless. I don't think that'd change much, user. So long as it surpasses a good 1.5 million or higher, it's all good
I get the feeling XC2 dev's idea of "difficulty" comes from annoying the fuck out of the player. Fucking unique katana enemies dodging eternally, getting 100% block as they spam specials over and over, knocking everyone down, blowing everyone away. Holy fucking shit. There's nothing difficult about this no one is even near dying at any time but how the fuck do the devs think getting locked out so often is fun?
BoC is pretty cancer
new trailer when
do we really have to wait until 2 week before launch for more info
>how the fuck do the devs think getting locked out so often is fun?
How about you lock the enemy using driver combos? Or use seals? Or interrupt them with a chain attack?
You should consistently break at every chance. Use Poppi QTπ
That's basically what XC2 already was. I'd rather them not do it again.
I hope we get Rex & Pyra/Mythra in Smash, they’re the only first party fighters I think should get in.
You called?
No shit Sherlock. I can't keep the enemy 100% locked down at all times and things depend on breaks passing through which they pretty often don't. Sealing is absolute garbage because it gets overwritten so if you want to seal you have to stop playing otherwise you'll override it with something else. None of what you said is any excuse for the sort of design they went for and I don't understand why you'd reply with that at all. There must be a thousand and one different ways to implement difficulty, "lmao let's make it so the player can't play" is one of the worst, if you can even consider that difficulty to begin with.
Smash is really boring, I don't know why people overhype it. I'd rather Splatoon
Takahashi already time-jannied XB1 years ago with 2. Fans not only accepted it, but they loved it too, and are all now looking forward to seeing the ending fully altered and how it plays into future games.
It's time you do the same for your series too.
>Takahashi already time-jannied XB1 years ago with 2.
Shulk was a LITERAL time janny.
Alvis is Ontos
But revealing that fact in 2 has no effect on the plot of the first game. This is nothing like what they did with FFVIIR.
What you said was nothing like the time Janny shit. It only expanded upon what XB1 already presented, and added in more Xeno elements. That's why people loved it. People dislike what Nomura did to FF7, because it's retroactively changing the plot of the main game. XB1D is seemingly 1:1, except for the Epilogue which is post game entirely.
That’s the only thing I can think of that is time jannied. The alternate dimension setting was established in 1, Zanza is unaffected as his personality is different than Klaus in 2. The only thing that is unknown is if Alvis moved everything back to earth or somewhere else, but I don’t see why he wouldn’t put them back on earth.
That still doesn't retroactively alter anything about 1, except for us now knowing Alvis's true identity.
>Alvis moving everything back to Earth
From the looks of the Epilogue, they're still in an alternate dimension, the world has just been reformed without Zanza, or Mayneth. We don't know what'll happen after Future Connected's ending, though. So really, this time janny shit doesn't apply to XB1D, at all.
What would be time janny tier, is if Fiora never died in Colony 9, if Shulk never got shot by Dickson and killed Egil, or other events that would tweak the plot of the main game entirely. You misunderstood the meme.
Stop pushing this meme. Nomura butchering FFVII’s story is not equivalent to Takahashi making a game more consistent with its canon sequel.
This. Really, it's not so much the meme itself, but how people keep misusing it, or not understanding the context.
>Realism = Good
Shion definitely has more depth than Rex, but she's still an annoying character. That's why most people consider Kosmos the true MC, and call it a day.
Do I have to play this one before playing 2?
Are we ever getting Xenosaga rereleased in any capacity?
XB1 was already about altering fate, and changing the future anyway, so I mean.. That aside, though, people loved what XB2 did, because it actively expanded the depth, and worldbuilding of XB1's ending in grander fashion. Yet, it didn't actually change anything about XB1. You entirely misunderstood the meme, user.
No, the two have pretty much nothing to do with one another outside of some expanded lore towards the end. Other than that they're entirely self contained stories.
We'll get it when we get a Skies of Arcadia revival.
Nah, they happen concurrently in separate universes, so you can play either one and not miss out on the plot of the other.