I just beat the game. I have no idea what I just witnessed with those last two chapters but goddamn it was the highest form of kino. I say I want off Nomura's wild ride but I can't ever get off. This faggot knows how to keep you invested with his autism
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Calling it now. Tifa dies and Aerith lives
I say aerith still dies
The sheer amount of butthurt this will cause. Make it happen Nomura
>Aerith in her praying position
>Sephiroth falling from the sky
>Tifa sees it
>pushes Aerith out the way
>Tifa stabbed instead
They gonna kill Cloud for shock value but then bring him back to life because that's apparently what they do with everybody now.
>This faggot knows how to keep you invested with his autism
If you're a kid maybe, Nomura's writing is insulting
Pure art.
I want to be Scarlet's personnal pet slave
Yes. Restoring their destiny will be the ultimate goal of the remakes. Cloud will have to let Aerith and Zack die to save the world.
>This faggot knows how to keep you invested with his autism
He's also making cute muslim girls cry online. Big Chad Energy.
Wouldn't the world end if Aerith didn't die though? Holy didn't work. Aerith had to manipulate the life stream from within it to win.
So, is it going to give you a Life is Strange choice or what?
>goddamn it was the highest form of kino
don't post again until you learn words
>Time traveling ghosts are Cloud, Tifa and Barret trying to keep the remake from changing and being the same
>They kill the them
>Pretty much Nomura saying "lol fuck your remake it's changing"
I can't tell if this is retarded or based as fuck
big dick nomura san
I can actually see this happening
>I have no idea what I just witnessed with those last two chapters
Video game equivalent of premature ejaculation.
Think about all the Shinra soldiers Cloud and crew (and Fort Condor, and Avalanche) murder, and Scarlet's footstool survives on his hands and knees.
>doesn't even really remember meeting her
>love at first sight
Fuckin' shippers, man.
Scarlett makes my wee wee stiff
"We knew that you would think that Tifa would die, but you knew that we know that, so you think that we'll have Aerith die, and you know that we know that you know that we would know. Cloud dies"
>the reason why it’s not called Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 is because it’s not a remake but a re telling
Not him, but Holy only didn't work, because holy activated too late when Meteor was already too close.
Weren't they the 3 Jenova remnants from Advent Children? So killing them means AC won't happen even if there is a route that follows the OG events?
reddit, it's time to leave.
quick rundown
>Sephiroth somehow gained awareness of what is to come
>baits the whisper harbinger out by changing events
>Aerith also received visions of what is to come
>Aerith alters the portal to fight the harbinger to change themselves and their fate (saves Zack from his death in Crisis core, as well as herself presumably)
>Party defeats harbinger, but sephiroth enslaves it
>Sephiroth's plan seems to have changed
>Offers Cloud immortality and godhood but Cloud has no idea wtf he is talking about
>Seven seconds until the end either refers to the time it took to drop and kill Aerith in the OG, or the seven days it takes to summon meteor
>ending implies there will be a storyline where Zack enters midgar and an alternate series of events happens, while the party moves forward in the main storyline
>nothing is guaranteed to stay the same
>people blaming it all on Nomura, when it was probably Toriyama who came up with the timeline fuckery bullshit, just like what he did with FF13
It's kind of a mix with both. In Kingdom Hearts, destiny and fate is a prominent theme not to mention timelines and time travel which was a major theme in KH 3. Changing timelines and changing fate is definitely a Toriyama thing.
The false advertising is absolutely distasteful.
How’s the post game in this ?
challenging and fun
It's got a hard mode with some work put into it and some arena challenges. It's okay.
You should read some FFVII fanfiction next, you'll love it.
Wait, fucking toriyama is a part of this? I thought he had Lightning become real in the last XIIi and he married her and stopped Fucking with final fantasies?
That and a lot less people would buy it if it said as much on the cover.
pretty muc hteh entire game is post game since every enemy and boss is balanced around you and your stats post game
>It's good because they flesh out the characters more
No. Imagine if you were watching a movie and the first hour was just getting to know the characters going around doing mundane shit. they're not even the subject you just have to watch this shit. The point of FF7 isn't to watch Tifa talk about her titties it's part of a larger theme that seems to have completely changed entirely now.
You fucking wish, time jannies brought him back
my fucking dick
>TFW the time jannies are going to come back in the sequel and force Cloud to kill Aerith
Cloud dies and Aerith becomes the new villain together with the planet, and they have to kill Aerith after that.
The middle one is perfect, Victorian beauty queen.