Anything worth getting on Steam sales?

Anything worth getting on Steam sales?

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Don't use Steam sales. Either pirate or if you're a moral fag just use any key site for games cheaper than steam sales

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>if you're a moralfag use a key site

>moral fag
>key site
Pick one

What so feeding Gabe Newells fat fucking gaping mouth is the moral thing to do and not some poor 3rd world company?

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Metro franchise

What are you even talking about?

If you're asking which games are on sale, here you go:

If you're asking what games currently on sale are worth buying, or what games are worth buying during the next major store-wide sale, nobody can answer that question without knowing your taste in video games. You should just build a wishlist of games you actually want and then wait until they get a discount. You can look up the price history of a game on SteamDB to see how low its price goes during a typical sale, which would indicate whether you're getting a good deal.

Also, .

If you just want cheap games, I recommend looking at some of the bundles on Fanatical, where you'll find a lot of shovelware but also, occasionally, a bundle with some good games in it. If a game happens to appear in a bundle, it's often (but not always) the cheapest way to get it. (Again, check SteamDB to see if you would be better off just waiting for a Steam sale. Also check IsThereAnyDeal to see if other sites have even better prices.)

Humble Bundle is also occasionally half-decent, but these days they have more e-book bundles than game bundles.

I feel like I'm an autistic ADHD smoothbrain because I've tried to get into Metro 2033 Redux like 3 times now, but always stop playing after like 3 hours.

Nothing from my wishlist got on sale.

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>implying it's a choice between giving money to Valve and giving money to a gray-market site
The idea is to give money to the developer. You don't always have to do it through Steam.

he isnt wrongbut if you really want something online, i guess it's ok, there's also other sites

You dont understand how keysites work, it triggers publishers so they give it a bad name. I could make a key site, just give me a VPN and boom. All they do is use a VPN and go to the country selling the game the cheapest and then they come back to the 1st world interwebs and sell it cheaper. So technically the devs got their money, we're just not being overcharged because Gabe Fatwell wants to put a black hole 30% cut on steam.

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Are you retarded or you're merely pretending?

they get better with every entry IMO, but I'd say they're worth it even if you're only slogging through 2033 and Last Light to get to Exodus, because that game is probably the best game I've played in quite a while, definitely the best survival game I've ever played for sure. Never played any game that triggered my arachnophobia as much as Exodus. Also, don't talk to me if you aren't playing with russian dub

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No, keep giving Gabe Newell your hard earned Trumpbux so he can eat McDonalds on his private jet


Steam sales can end up being cheaper than key sites however

Rarely. I picked up Dark Souls 3 with DLC for $15 on cdkeys while on steam it'd never go that cheap

>All they do is use a VPN and go to the country selling the game the cheapest and then they come back to the 1st world interwebs and sell it cheaper.
How? You can't just buy resellable keys from the Steam store.

I know sites like Fanatical actually work directly with publishers who provide the keys, but I was never sure how the less legitimate key sites just get these loose keys out in the wild if the publisher didn't want it to happen. I thought I heard that they're sometimes unused review copies or something, but that sounds like bullshit.

You are giving money to Gaben anyway, baka. I'm a third worlder, let me tell you how this works:

>if you convert the 60 dollars to local currency, the game would be so expensive in said countries, that nobody but the richest would pay for it. It would be like paying 300 dollars for a game for them, too much to be worth it
>because of it, they make "regional pricing", making the game cheaper on that region, something more feasible, because lesser money is better than none
>some publishers ignore regional pricing though, like bethesda and bamco, and for that their games don't sell well around here for being higher than the double of the common standards

Valve still got their 30% cut anyway, fool. You are still giving money to Gabe, imbecile. It's the entire package that got cheaper, but Steam is still getting 30% of whatever you're paying


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Buying at key sellers because you hate Gaben is stupid, because he is still taking his 30% share.

I just got Dawn of War master collection for 5€ on gamivo.

A couple days ago I also got Blasphemous (2x ti give it to a friend),Skullgirls,Space Marine (x2),Synthetik,Sid Meier's Pirates,Dragon Dogma,DOOM,Slay the Spire,Hotline Miami 2,Darkness 2,Spec Ops the line,Amid Evil and One Way Heroics+

that would be a total of ~40-45€ spread around instant-gaming,gamivo,humble and gog. Steam sales are trash anyways.

I'd rather him get cents than $10-20 tho

I probably also forgot 2-3 other games

Shotgun Farmers

Gothic 2 gold for $2.50

He is still there in his reinforced chair saying "great, another third worlder bought a game from our store, business are going great!"

The only people you piss off by getting keys at re-sellers, are the developers.

Is the Colonization DLC for Civ 4 any good? The original Colonization is too boring.

112 operator is coming out next week

why didn't they make a corona sale

Why are zoomers so impatient? They have several big sales every year.
>b-b-but I'm in lockdown and I want video games!!
You should have decided that you liked video games during the last Steam sale.

You're not a hoardfag and only buy 1 or 2 most worthy games to play right after each sale right?

>the only devolver game i don't already have and i might have been interested in is metal wolf chaos xd
>it's not on sale

fuck you i'm not paying 20€ for a 15-year-old janky meme game

Hotline Miami