>Play it
>It's fucking incredible
WTF??!! Yas Forums said it was shit!
Play it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yas Forums was wrong again
Wow, hold the fucking presses! This is news!
>OP has shit taste
>OP is a faggot
WTF??!! Yas Forums is right again!
bros i just remembered jesse's parents where in the sector 7 housing
Her mom might have gotten out, I’m sure the father is happy he’s dead now.
>fucking incredible
It's a bit better than crisis core and I wouldn't call this incredible.
It's cowardly and thematically hollow. The in-universe equivalent of 9/11 happens in a community you get to know and Jessie is the only named character I can think of that dies. Show me some blood, show me some trauma, and explore it with the characters we have. Instead we get cheesy deathbed flirting and then we get to explore the sewers again with Leslie. He dresses like this and a girl gave him a pendant once. And then we fight Aps again. Prease enjoy.
it is amazing OP, enjoy it and don't let these dumbass autists take that away from you
the biggest strength of the original ff7 were the characters, and this game treats them with love and care
Stop replying to yourself
Even Jim Sterling gave it 11/10
This is your brain on a single mother growing up.
>distracted by shiny baubles
Pick 2
Remake is a turd with a hell of a spitshine on it.
The theme is still clearly expressed. What is wrong with you? There is a lot to substantially criticise in the game but none of it was in your post.
Yas Forums has been desperate for another TORtanic forever.
>the biggest strength of the original ff7 were the characters, and this game treats them with love and care
A good argument?
Shills are evolving
It was incredible, until that fucking ending. That ending feels like a punch in the gut. Honestly ruined the whole game for me.
The game explores how the characters deal with and move on from death and trauma? I must have missed it. I was too busy watching all the ways the game makes pains to reduce the impact of the traumatic events.
>All the plebs filtered by Hip-Hop de CHADcobo
I am boggled by your mindset. It's pitiable. Why are you trying so hard to reduce a game to your perspective of one of its themes that you weren't satisfied by? It was barely any different in the original. What is wrong with you?
The original Midgar section was a few hours long and explored those themes throughout the game. The rest of disc one is the party sharing their traumas with each other culminating in the loss of Aeris. Making a whole game out of Midgar gave them the opportunity the examine the events with a little more depth, but we didn't get that. We got a story where everybody lives and nothing matters. It's a perversion of the original game.
Superficially, it is a great recreation of Midgar, time ghosts aside. But that's just the surface.
If you think this remake is incredible, then you never liked Final Fantasy VII in the first place.
whys everyone and their mother thinking the scene with red running is from AC when its the last scene of the original game
also why the hell did they decided to put that on scene in the remake lmao. it absolutely makes no sense to a new player
I had the same thoughts right until Hojo's lab and everything that follows it
It's literally a clip from AC along with every other flash forward they show. But yes, the scene was in the original game too.
It's good, that's it.
It's only incredible if your standards are insanely, hilariously low (liking P5 for example).
it honestly would've been better if they used the ps1 graphics for the flash forwards, MGS always does this and its kino
Oh thank God some faggot on youtube tells me what to think about a game. That's even more important than some faggot on Yas Forums. Thank God you posted this.
Play DQXI instead.
Remake? More like Peemake
>comes to Yas Forums everyday to discuss it with other people
>gets triggered when someone makes a video discussing it
im not defending the dude, nor watch that kind of stuff but you do know you sound like a retard right?
Must be shit then.
That track is genuinely fucking great man
I come here for news, not discussions. This site is far faster for info (Always presented as "oh no X is doomed") than navigating the web for headlines or some shit site like IGN. So, no I don't see Yas Forums as having any value as a place for discussions.
You just have shit fucking taste
>it absolutely makes no sense to a new player
It's not supposed to. OG players can somewhat read into it, while newcomers are in the same position as the main cast. Whether it's even necessary to understand the story or not to begin with, is something that won't even be known until future parts are released.
It's a fun movie. It just fails at being a FF7 remake.
>that pic
fucking called it.
Oh don't give us that patronizing shit, you worthless worm. Fucktards like you are why developers never listen to fans in the first place.
I wouldn't say it's incredible but yeah it's pretty good and Yas Forums has shit opinions as per usual.
what news did you expect to find in this thread exactly
It isn't suppose to be, you and others like you spouting this off just shows you didn't even play it.
Did anyone notice how the most intense part of all the shitposting was when it broke street date and not that many people had the game? And when most finally played it, they realized it wasn't that bad?
It's almost like this place thrives on lies and exaggeration.
It's true, zoomer. I feel sorry that you were exposed to the inferior version of a great story.
>cuts out several songs
>remixes that dont even play in the right areas