soo.. now that the dust has settled, which one is better?
Soo.. now that the dust has settled, which one is better?
They both attract redditors. It’s a normie remake of the original doom
Neither one is head and shoulders above the other.
At the time it came out Doom 2016 was way more impactful than Doom Eternal, 2016's plot is genuinely clever, the environments are a little more well considered, etc
gameplay wise eternal's so much cooler though and i desperately want more of it
this. the correct answer is neither.
I know that The eternal armor is closer to the original doomguy design but I still like the 2016 armor more than the eternal one.
This is the correct answer
eternal should have had some endgame content like randomly generated dungeons, new game+ and player made arenas to keep us occupied.
The game is screaming out loud for it. instead we got a shitty multiplayer mode that is half baked and poorly executed.
2016 felt like a re invigoration of what a modern FPS can actually be
Eternal was that foundation but with the addition of making the game feel like doing cocaine.
Eternal is better but it wouldn't exist without 2016, so 2016 is probably going to end up being the more well regarded in the future.
See also: Dark Souls and Dark Souls III
>implying redditors don't love old doom
You share opinions with redditors. Are you going to shit your pants now?
2016 by far, the combat loop was perfect, now the way they balanced to force you to weapon and mod swap more then necessary, glory kill and chainsaw every 10 seconds makes it annoying instead of fun and adrenaline rushing
cacodemon is useless now because of the weak spot, hell knights were 10/10 and now are not even a threat anymore, you never have to fight against the archville, baron of hell and fist phase doom hunter because you have 2 "delete hard enemy" weapons, tyrants are worthless bullet sponges that can't hit a single shot at you, pain elemental is just a cacodemon since their lost souls are bugged
the only good additions were dash and the aracnotron, nothing more
Eternal is undoubtedly the better experience
>cacodemon is useless now because of the weak spot
actually untrue, cacos are so much faster and their bite is terrifying. they're a pressure unit, if they get in you explode.
>haha le epic rip and tear maymay you guys exhausted by 2007
only thing that i didnt like. the games are good
Only playing 2016 right now and not that big of a fan. Feel the damage you take means you really need to do those glory kills. And so to make sure you don't kill them too quickly I've been pretty much using shotgun and assault rifle 99% of the time. Only really using the bigger guns for demons that are so bullet spongy that it doesn't matter. I kind of wish the glory kills wasn't a big part of the gameplay so I feel more free to use more of the weapons.
Eternal is fucking dope
2016 did an admirable job of looking at classic Doom's mechanics and seeing how they could be modernized, but it lost the older games' cohesion. Eternal moves further away from the classic games, but it all slots together very strongly
What difficulty did you play on? I never had to swap mods at all after I got the assault rifle on UV. Might be different on Nightmare.
Agreed on archviles and tyrants. Also I felt like the upgrade system is even more bloated than 2016.
Though for some reason I still had more fun than in 2016.
FPBP...on the technicality that you can play the original Doom 1 and Doom 2 on it. I think alot of people ignore this fact.
glory kills are even more important in eternal since they're necessary for charging the blood punch (very powerful aoe melee attack)
also demons die from taking too much damage far more easily
I heard people hate eternal because you run out of ammo quickly?
I mean I get why they did it. It's just as I am playing it I always find myself in need of those glory kills and because I'm so worried of overkill that I just stick to those 2 so I have a better control over my damage output. Which I feel really takes the fun out of what should be a fun run around and blast everything.
The combat loop is altered so you need to use the chainsaw to replenish ammo. Takes maybe a minute to adapt to it but manages to filter some people.
If youre bad, yea.
>cheeseing the entire game with point blank super shotgun is fun
maybe for 10 min, then you understand why they fixed that in Eternal
2016 has the better atmosphere and is great for basically anyone but is really easy to cheese, Eternal has the better gameplay design and overall combat but suffers in most other areas. There is no "better", they both have ups and downs.
Cacos will bite your dick off if you don't delete them the first chance you get.
Invasion mode when?
>Cheese vs difficulty
Lol, aren't most of the 3d sonic fans currently arguing that? Most of them prefer the 3d parkour of Adventure over the cheese system over boost to win right? They say boost makes the game braindead and at that point it stops being fun. I'd say making the game difficult was the right idea. Gives people something noteworthy to remember.
Honestly hard to say. I don't think there is a definitive better and its more suited to your taste.
I really like both for different reasons but I think I would say 2016 is my preferred game. That being said; I haven't finished Eternal.
Weird comparison, but its like Gremlins Vs. Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Both a great and from the same series, but they're also really opposite approaches to the same idea.
>the combat loop was perfect
>no more than 12 enemies on screen
>passive slow defensless enemies who can't fight back
just chainsaw brah