>tfw video games get less fun as you get older
Tfw video games get less fun as you get older
Good thing 26 is many years away for most of Yas Forums. Congratulations on posting an image nobody can relate to. Enjoy the 3 day vacation.
god i'm fucking scared of getting older. i'm 23 in september and i'm still a complete fucking loser.
i remember when 26 seemed like fucking ages in the future, now i can see the gap form now until 2023 when I turn 26 as flying by.
i'm scared bros.
What? Life is only beginning at 26. All that income ready to spend on vidya etc,
People keep posting this image, but what is that supposed to prove? That it came from Discord? So what if it did?
3 years away for me
>People keep posting this image, but what is that supposed to prove? That it came from Discord? So what if it did?
it didn't come from discord, coomer originated from Yas Forums and Yas Forums and then discord trannies appropriated it (like they do with every meme). coomers use this cope screencap of trannies doing what they do to discredit those who criticise their vile addiction
>turned 30 this year
>life is much better than when I was in my mid 20s
you can make it bros
>turn 28
>decide it's finally time to start getting serious about my future
>start saving aggressively
>have a plan to continue working into my 30s and save up enough to buy a cheaper house out of state
>coronavirus hits
>lose my job
>end up doing nothing but browsing Yas Forums all day and jacking off
I'm 26
>mfw I get this feel
Bross, I’m 19 and still an autistic khv loser. I feel like I’m going to an hero soon...
>tfw turning 27 by the end of this month
>accomplished nothing but playing video games,masturbating and smoking weed
Fuck you, I'm 26. Although I'm not a drug addict so I can't relate to this image.
Three years In the past for me.
ban wojak faggots
This but it doesn’t even depress me.
Cure your depression before it's too late, faggot. I'm 33 and gaming is better than ever overall.
I'm 31. I still like video games. I've been playing Nioh 2 and I just got a new computer so I can play PC games.
because the addiction to validation from anonymous imageboards is so much better, right?
That discord is just about spamming trap threads or waifus.
I remember someone posting a link to it and i lurked
>orignated from Yas Forums and Yas Forums
>unironic faggot central and reddit central
I hope this wasn't supposed to sound like a good thing. Next you're gonna try to tell me that something originating from Yas Forums is a good thing too.
I turn 27 this summer if Corona doesn't kill me.
Not everyone is bound to accomplish something substantial. Let yourself go of that unless there is something specific and attainable you want to accomplish.
>tfw 19
I'm 30 with two useless degrees and have no job lol. Is it too late for me bros
18 year old boomer here
lmao at you zoomers
Even putting aside more Wojak nonsense, I can't relate to this picture at all. I'm 33, will be 34 in a few months, and have spent most of the whole of yesterday on Animal Crossing.
I'm 26 and i pretend to be 23. I look 20 so i'm safe.
i wish i was 19 again
it was a comfy age for me
You just gotta take a break. Nothing stays fun if you do it every single day for an extended period.
I'm 29 turning 30 next month and I still enjoy vidya, I just dedicate less time to it since I am lifting more and taking up trail cycling. The only difference I noticed is my pace has slowed a bit because I soak in small details and talk to all NPCs, things like that. My time in FF7R is 18 hours and I just met Aeris's mom.
Time goes faster and faster. One day you'll wake up at 30 and still be deluded that you are in your early 20s.
noooo you have to be a usefull part of society
had to look at my license to see what age i was, im only 24, im good
>haven't matured at all since I turned 20
This is what life in isolation leads to
26 bros, at least we can play TREE game.
Haha 36 and still playing everyday
when did the time pass...I could have sworn when I went to bed last night I was 16.
At least you have a degree, you can turn that into some employment at random places that require any degree.
i';m fucking terrified of this
my life is going nowhere, fast. sometimes i think it'd be easier to kill myself to avoid the grief and regret of wasting my life but i'm too much of a pussy.
i'm going to die alone, depressed, and full of regret
Joke's on you, I'm 25.
For 3 more days.
same but i'm 26. still basically have the life experience of a teenager.
This. The root of pain is the expectation.
same, but also make 100k a year... i love this corona thing, 2 telcos a week the rest is vidya
overall though i kinda start feeling like a want to have a family
tfw missed out on comfy 19 to early 20s
One is Biology degree and one is Business Analytics degree
you fags don't even know, the worst thing about getting older is just having your body go to shit
I got floaters, visual snow, my vision is worse in general even with glasses, got tinnitus and a bunch of other problems
enjoy your health while you got it because the older you get the worse it gets and there's nothing you can do about it
i-it was just a cougar attack. yeah...just a cougar or bear.
crush as much pussy as you can right this instant. you will regret literally everything by 23 if you don't. No amount of education or success is worth it if you're all alone.
But im 31, have a decent job, a house and a wife and 2 soon 3 kids.
>About to turn 20 next month
>Need GED
>Never got to experience high school
>Pulled out in 2015 in 9th grade due to depression hindering my work
>MFW I'm mentally 15 in a 20 year old body
When do women start getting desperate for husbands? mid 30s?
maybe you should start eating right and working out
the older you get the more important this is
I'm 30 and still enjoy video games a whole lot. You just have to make sure they're not the only thing you do with your free time
time for corona