

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 1.40.05 PM.png (574x476, 54.37K)

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Switches are sold out everywhere and won't come back for at least a month. If you're going to shitpost, at least make an effort.

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You can't sell what you don't have.

Phill Spencer stills think xbox have a chance in Japan. Microsoft should left from console market. It's embarrassing.

cope, tranny

What with the surge of PS4 sales?

>Xbox numbers

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Increased estrogen in the water supply lately.

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Back to normalcy, finally.

Ok Sonyautist.


>says this while bragging about the tranny console of choice being the best seller

They're not wrong. My sister wants a switch but wont because they arent any out there


Go home Alex Jones

>Switch production is litteraly down because of the virus
>Still more units than xboss

Is it exclusive or timed exclusive? I'm not sure why peoples want to buy a new ps4 when PS5 will be released this year

>it sells so much there are no consoles left!


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Switch ain't gonna outsell Ps4, sorry.


>Muh virus
It affects all console manufacturer, tendies. stop giving excuses

jayzuz. did the lockdown boost sales or what? crazy numbers for playstation considering its 7 years old.


Work retail here and supply of switches have been coming in a decent pace.

So why exactly are switches out of stock? China opened all their factories again, and ps4 and xbox are made at the same factories anyway.

Drones on suicide watch.

Not him, but it's the truth.

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Why is the Vita still even listed?

but i wasnt bragging about the switch

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Doesn't matter, when you combine Wii U and Switch sales, Nintendo has won the gen.

>So why exactly are switches out of stock?
Because of Animal Crossing.

This can't be real

>Company is successful
>I am successful
Why do faggots think like this? PC is the true consumer platform

Because the news is lying to you, China is not back to normal. The days of getting everything from China are over, time for people to produce their own things again.

>"Demand for Nintendo Switch soared thanks to 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' and the surge in home gaming during Covid-19," Lisa Hanson, president of Niko Partners, a research firm that focuses on the gaming industry in Asia, told CNN Business.

CNN is just a secondary source here.

>manufacturing line is getting fucked up because of the wuflu
>Half the world in a global lockdown

Yeah, you're bragging about the TrannyStation 4.

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Apple just released a brand new iphone this week and updated ipads and macs a couple weeks ago. How would they be able to do that if the factories are all shut down?

>posts fake article

Uh... You might want to do the math again user.

>when you combine Wii U and Switch sales
They aren't the same generation.
If anything the PS5 will just be playing catchup with the Switch for a really long time.


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There is a lag time. Switch had a surge in sales that expended their reserves for the next six months. Thinking things are back to normal or will ever go back to normal is retarded I'm sorry.

And Nincels said that Switch will outsell PS4. Lmao.

>the virus affect only Switch production

why nincels are so dumb?

>feeling so insecure to post fake articles
It's over

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Actually, no they haven't.

You literally just repeated my post dumbass.

>The Switch is selling
>Except it isn't
You're a tard.

>One Reddit post is all Switch users
Maybe you should go back.

No one said this you braindead retard. Why are Sonyfaggots this insecure? What was the point of making this thread? Shouldn't you be creaming over your movie games?

Ok Redditjak poster.

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>saving queer images on disk
Nintentrannies are so gay and pervert

Timed exclusive, will get a PS5 and PC release next year.

>all those people buying PS4s just for FFVIIR

3rd parties matter.

>No one said this you braindead retard
Except Nincels were saying this in last thread I was you Nintentranny faggot hahahaha


>he thinks it was saved
>a stock photo
cope harder

>PS4 outselling Shitch in Japan
This is glorious

Yea I'm sure the switches being sold out is the reason why its selling like shit lmao.

just admit, you save this on your disk to masturbate to it

This is bullshit. I have to wait til the end of the month for them to come in.

Link to the thread then. Post actual proof of this happening or shut up.

Sure whatever makes you feel better about yourself and your 3 inch dick.

This same guy is posting this photos in another thread, I think he like this

Don't have to. Cope harder Nintentranny.

try again, not hard enought