You know what fuck it. Does anybody actually know WHY the fuck they don't make a new one? EVERYBODY loves them...

You know what fuck it. Does anybody actually know WHY the fuck they don't make a new one? EVERYBODY loves them. People who don't even regularly play arcade racers love them. WHAT THA FACK IS THE PROBLEM?

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the game has literally no gusto, how do you sell a game that people love but won't celebrate?

Like every Nintendo franchise that isn't Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. It needs some autistic director who loves it personally and will carry it through even its low periods.


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>EVERYBODY loves them.
Post your copy of FZero GX. Don't bother if you got it 2nd hand or dollar bin sale.
No one fucking bought this good game. Pretend to be hardcore all you ant but truth is you and the metroidfags only cry and never buy.

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Miyamoto is butthurt that sega made such a godly game that he asked nagoshi to look at their source code. The reason Is because it didn't sell the amount of copies shiggy wanted. It sold well enough though according to nagoshi

As much as people rag on them for rehashing, Nintendo's frustrating design philosophy is to reinvent the wheel. Even if it's just a single random gimmick which will barely even be used by most players, there MUST be something new to justify making it. They know how to make a new Mario or Zelda game and slap a gimmick on it, even if it's as basic as "Uh, but what if there are more coins".

F-Zero they don't know what the fuck they can add to change it up from GX.

>the game has literally no gusto, how do you sell a game that people love but won't celebrate?
I don't speak taco so explain. This series doesn't have to turn into smash shit to be celebrated if that's what you're getting at

They don't have the talent to do it.

It's one of those series that people love to like and not play.

>wanting NuTendo to ruin F-ZERO with beginner modes, DLC, and gimmicks
There is no way Nintendo today could make as tight of a racer as GX/AX.

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I think Nintendo wants their games to be as accessible as possible, and believe that a game like F Zero will alienate the people (see: almost all switch owners) who are used to Mario Kart 8's very simple and crowd-pleasing gameplay. F-Zero is probably seen as too fast-paced/difficult.
Maybe someone can point to an example that contradicts what I'm saying but I really think it's an accessibility thing

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Not as identifiable as mario/zelda/metroid
Niche futuristic racer genre that wipeout kind of stole the thunder of, and even wipeout hasn't had very good sales in recent games

I would love to see them pull similar shit to Donkey Kong Country where if you lose a race 3 times, you can swap your racer for Golden Falcon who will drive for you and take you to first place.

>EVERYBODY loves them!
Yeah, just like how most MOTHER/Earthboundfags have actually played a mother game and aren't just posers wanting to feel special, right?

The games are good but no one buys them. You cant expect nintendo to make games that wont sell well. Plus they already have a popular racing series in the form of mario kart, and their audience is so casualized that if they realeased another one people would just whine and say its too hard

Its a pretty bare bones racer. Not sure if adding gimmicks would hurt or help it. Would people want items being chunked like a cart racer?

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Quite clearly hurt. F-Zero's strength is its purity.

Barely anyone bought F-Zero GX, it's mainly become popular through emulation and people buying the game second-hand after hearing about it through word of mouth. Plus the audience for arcade racers are pretty slim these days anyway. Even the studio that made Wipeout has been closed down.

Also bare in mind that a modern racing game would be expected to have online multiplayer and Nintendo's current online infrastructure is absolute dogshit. F-Zero had 30 racers on the track at once, which would highlight Nintendo's poor online capabilities even further.

Because Nintendo can’t into sci-fi. Just look at metroid and starfox

>Miyamoto is butthurt that sega made such a godly game
imagine seriously believing that

Bitch, I played it. I played it on the N64. I played it on the Gamecube. I had a Genesis so I didn't have the SNES original one.

I play fuckin' redout. I play fuckin' ballsitc ng. I play fuckin' Grip. I play fuckin' Trackmania. I play fuckin' Distance. I play fuckin' all three sonic Kart games and that isn't even the same fuckin' genre. I tried fuckin' Antigraviator and it fuckin' sucked dick. I played Xenon Racer. I played Carmageddon. I played Vigilante 8. I played Need for Speed. I played Burnout. I played Wipeout.



Yes but that's not how you source a sequel.

If I say, "Hey I own four copies of Vanquish, make a new one," do you think Platinum games will get up and make one?

>one AX machine within 100 miles of where I lived
I was so mad.

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I mean they still make xenoblade games that require massive amounts of autism to learn

I wouldn't say f zero isn't accessible either, it has very simple controls and mechanics


with the dust

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This game is godly, and it can't be made again until we have analogue triggers in our controllers to recapture the depth of turning in GX.

game requires good reaction time

millennial and zoomers have none, and prefer to watch movies on their PS4s

>imagine seriously believing that
Look up Nagoshi's interview on F-Zero GX. He said that Nintendo and Miyamoto couldn't believe that his team programmed the game because it was such a technical marvel that they asked permission to look at the source code. Nagoshi says he takes pride in making the game and said it sold well for him to be promoted internally at sega

>Does anybody actually know WHY the fuck they don't make a new one?
because all the reboot games were awful.
you generally don't get more games when talentless hacks take over and shit up a series' formula.

yeah none of this supports miyamoto being butthurt at sega you mongoloid

Fake reason: We want gimmicks but can't think of any way to one-up GX

Real reason: It'll compete the consumer's money with Mario Kart and cannibalize sales

If it wasn't for smash bros making them so much money with meme falcon punches, Nintendo should've sold the ip

The fact that he refuses to make a f-zero game or let sega make another one says otherwise, since he calls the shots

I've never played a Xenogame, but I have heard that there are a ridiculous amount of skill tree/weapon upgrade/"RPG shit"
As far as the combat, platforming (if there is any), puzzles (if there are any), and other gameplay, is it especially difficult?
You may have already proven me wrong with the complexity of the upgrade systems, but I was thinking of F zero's handling/speed/crashing being much less forgiving than other games, not necessarily customizing your racer/car
Although now that I say it, building a custom racer and car (and maybe even course) would be pretty sick...

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The burnout devs asked to work on it last gen but got turned down. Nintendo themselves won't work on it because they can't think of any unique ideas that are worthy of making a sequel for. It's BULLSHIT all round