I'm gonna go ape!
Sayaka thread
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Helga = Casi > Aki > Natalie > Yumi
tfw no pink
Isn't it weird how they localized Sayaka and Satoru to Yumi and Kei? Still Japanese names. Maybe they though less syllables is good for American children or something.
literally how?
Apes did nothing wrong
Why does Aki send her kids to do such dangerous things? Why isn't she out there catching apes?
any good stuff from pixiv lately?
with her penis
she's too old
Since it is just a code test, there is no progress that can satisfy 1 million perverts who have been arbitrarily caught.
she has a huge dick
ape escape 4 when?
Sony doesn't make fun games anymore
why are her tits so big
First time I played through the game I didn't notice that you can control the camera with the D-pad. You can get it stuck on various things, he got just the right angle to clip the skirt behind the camera. What I don't know is how he decoupled the camera from Sayaka's movement, unless he somehow got it stuck in something. There are also people who make mods like the linked yt vid with no skirt over the spats.
Americans are being made fun of for not being able to pronounce names like BASEDUKUH
If I was american I'd feel insulted t.b.h.
Pink fanart is cute but they don't usually draw her to actually look like a monkey...which is good, but it loses the humor
Ape Escape 4 when?
Why are angry/disgusted lolis so hot?
same english voice actress
shes not angry or disgusted you autist
Never I hope
You know it would be shit AND not feature any cute girls like Sayaka
I don't know that game
Also the airplane stage is absolutely kino.
>english voices
she shares her seiyuu with Honoka
Dark Cloud 2. Character is Monica Raybrandt.
I see your point, but any art Pink gets is enough for me