VIII is amazing and one of the only FFs to have not been raped by unwanted sequels, spin-offs or remakes.
Jacob Cooper
Now that I think about it adding time shenanigans to FF7 is fucking stupid when FF8 is the perfect place to go full autistic with it.
Caleb Hernandez
>the only FFs to have not gotten sequels, spin-offs or remakes Because nobody wants them. VIII is shit.
Tyler Gray
Why are a bunch of hipsters suddenly in love with FF8? It was universally acknowledged as being the 2nd worst FF until not long ago.
Joshua Lewis
The more I think about it the more I realize that they took everything that could have enriched FFVIII and slapped it on FFVII because it would have sold more. They used the right formula on the wrong game.
Juan Hernandez
>balamb could be used as a hub location It would be the entire game.
Also, even if they made such a game you and the rest of Yas Forums would shitpost about how terrible it is. Everything in your mind is great, everything that exists is terrible. Thats the Yas Forums way of thinking.
Every game that has ever or will ever come out is dogshit.
Jack Scott
Because the game is actually good and people aren't being brainwashed by ecelebs
Ian Butler
Whats worse is that trying to do the same thing now will just be too repetitive.
Nolan Ross
I agree, if any FF story needed rewrites, it's 8.
Brandon Ramirez
Yeah I'm sure it's worse than 1,2,3,9,10-2,12,13 trilogy and 15. VIII is rightfully loved for having soul, its unique identity, great aesthetics, music, gameplay including the best minigame in the series, interesting plot points, if not fully explored, has zero padding and the best final dungeon in the series. And much more. VIII's real issue is the unbalanced junction system because back then not giving the player the option to break the game wasn't a top priority.
John Butler
Yeah, wasted opportunity. If a FFVIII remake was to come out next year using that formula people would just shit on it for recycling FFVIIR's ideas. If it came out first nobody could have complained about time jannies ensuring a stable time loop, Ellone knowing the future or Edea/Ultimecia summoning Griever and fusing with it (Dissidia has already done it) at the end of disc 1.
Cooper Thomas
Take your meds, schizo.
Anthony Reyes
We'll just complain about the orphanage again and how Squall keeps rejecting a thirsty quistis
Josiah Phillips
Not if the game introduced the orphanage and Gf memory loss at the very beginning. Even shit such as quistis saying she was adopted. And students in balamb forgetting minor shit like a meeting or their pencils. Even a group that keeps talking about the same thing again and again with Squall thinking to himself"didn't they talk about this topic yesterday?". That would easily set up the orphanage scene and make sense how everyone forgot about each other
John Anderson
>single handedly stages a successful prison break. >Is the only one of the orphans who actually gets adopted. >Only one known to actively search for food. Rest of the party confirmed for androids. >Punches shit. >Only one who is knowledgeable about the affairs of the rest of the world. Political situation in Galbadia? Check. History of the Deep Sea Research Facility? Gotchu senpai. >Has a shrine to his grandfather. He knows respect. >As a matter of fact, his grandfather was probabbly doomguy. Ever noticed his shotgun on Zell's room? >Rides hoverboards. >Alpha as fuck, is the only one who actually has girls swooning over him. >Master jeweller. Can make a copy of a ring with just some materials. >Is the source of Squall's tactical genius. Denying the enemy of resources is a valid strategy, even if said resources are hot dogs. >Is a master martial artist who can learn and create deadly new techniques just from reading magazines. >Blows so precise he can even swat flies by punching. >Can run around the world in mere seconds just to punch the shit out of someone. >Has the strongest Limit Break in the entire game. Lionheart? Get that weak shit outta here. >A single punch of him is strong enough for people to think there was an earthquake.
There are subtle hints about Squall forgetting stuff but they're subtle. For example, he completely forgets Nida despite being one of the 4 (the others being Selphie and Zell) to pass the SeeD exam. Several NPCs also outright say GFs cause memory loss. The foreshadowing IS there, but for some odd reason it's not part of the mandatory plot.
Cameron Gutierrez
People have liked ff8 for a while now, keep up.
Joseph Taylor
*TOO subtle
Another one, there is a NPC named "familiar guy" who is offended by Squall not remembering him.
William Howard
Not gonna lie unintentionally breaking the game is hilarious and fun at the same time
Benjamin Brooks
I think he was based on Mike Tyson, they probably wanted to make him black cause of lawsuit they probably didn't
7 Remake is the best FF game in 20 years. Cope trannies
Wyatt Rogers
Brandon Sanchez
i wonder if we'll ever get a FF game that actually follows Amano's vision
Jose Perez
Post back to future one
Levi Taylor
Imagine having such shit taste I bet you think FFVI is the epitome of FF lmao
Cooper Lewis
>Universally defined Another spoonie faggot lmao fuck off to your eceleb threads nobody wants you here faggot IX is the worst in its respective timeframe
Benjamin Martinez
>is amazing and one of the only FFs to have not been raped by unwanted sequels, spin-offs or remakes Yeah I agree, IX was great.
Robert Perry
Do you want to know how I know you're Gay.?
You said 9 is the worst ff...
Oliver Cooper
>Zoom/v/ loves FF8.
Angel Butler
Now that Nomura ruined 7, 8 will be widely considered as the best one. Finally
Adam Rogers
It always had the second biggest fan behind 7 before people get meme by a retard
Levi Gray
It's generally the zoomers who hate it because they've been told that gameplay is really easy to abuse and totally unbalanced. We didn't know that back in the day, there was no internet. We just played it and had fun and those of us who stumble on a way to abuse the system felt really smart and enjoyed the game even more
Ethan Adams
Nah Kitase wont let him do it. just let him do laguna part
Jeremiah Campbell
>back in the day, there was no internet. how old are you? yes we had internet when FF8 came out
Joshua Evans
Alot boomer get fucked because it to hard back then
Dominic Thomas
If we do I want it I be a FFI remake Do you understand how kino that'd be