Lost Planet

The 10th anniversary of Lost Planet 2 is happening on May 11th. In celebration there will be a Lost Planet 2 multiplayer revival from May 11-13th

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god i love lost planet so fucking much

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Multiplayer lost planet 2 is the greatest multiplayer to ever come out since Halo

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Always nice to see LP threads on Yas Forums

How do you play online? It it only a console thing now since GFWL is basically broken?

GFWL works, it's just that some people have trouble setting it up on PC. Guides are available on steam.

GFWL is dead a service but the servers are still up for some games

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Started playing LP1 again the other day and I've just done mission 3. Screen wouldn't stop shaking due to the worms. Truly the best/worst monster in the game.

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I'd even take a f2p.ver of LP2 multiplayer.

Someday they'll bring the series back. We've gotta keep believing.

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