any disagreements?
Any disagreements?
im a beaner
He really got you there op
Now show me the autistic nigger starter kit
lol it'd just be a picture of a rock
everyone's played those games though.
my vote is for FF7, MGS2, and God Hand.
For years, I've wondered what the hell people see in Souls games. We need to label these people, but autistic and being white is far too broad.
extremely based
I have AVPD and ive never played DMC.
I only like the the first two. I don't like weeb stuff like nier
top notch atmosphere and an enjoyable level of challenge, don’t see what’s hard to understand
It starts and ends with a rope.
Much better
those are extremely good games and since you are so salty about them, you are an autistic chink faggot (or a fag that think he is a woman).
He said nigger starter pack, not white guy starter pack
Nier is a game?
Thought it was some kind of porn
thats not a real black hand
is one of those hadloween prostetic fake arms
But I’m black and I like all these games.
Autistic here, Dark Souls bored the hell out of me.
IQ correlates with mental illness. So this really shouldn't be any surprise.
Add Osu!
Go kill yourself cumskin
Osu! is for ADHD not autism
The only way a nigger spazes out like an autist is from dangling on the end of the rope. Doesn't last long, though. Also, you're right about it being a white man's starter pack!
niggers kill eachother for stealing food far more than whites commit suicide so it evens out
Where does the holocough fit on this chart
Based beanbro dabbing on them wh*toids
no u :^)
your skin has the same texture, color, and even smell as POOP.
no, i realised how autistic i was when i did a putting away katana motion when i was playing sekiro
no minecraft and dwarf fortress
But i'm brown and have adhd not autism
You should go outside sometime, hispanics/blacks love these games too.
no real lover of autism games would play casual shit like hoi4...change it for euro truck sim or something like it
I'm black man with a short fuse
You don't see why people would like a third person action/rpg?
>no sonic
sonic is the posterboy of autism and vidya