This kills the PC gamer

This kills the PC gamer.

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>not owning the handhelds as well as a pc

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Any PC chad worth their salt has a hacked Vita or 3ds lying around

But I also have a Vita, P4G is only just "okay". I don't enjoy friend simulators, I want real friends. Or at least online ones.
Soul Sacrifice is the reason to own a Vita, by the way.

handheldchads strike again

I beat P4 on PC already, don't care about extra costumes and a character that nobody likes.

It's also got the only somewhat challenging dungeon in the game and burying your dick inside Naoto

But user, I have a pc (with 2080ti) , vita, switch, ps4pro, 3ds, and xbox one, how does that kill me :(

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that dungeon was not challenging, and you could do that on the vanilla version you chumblefuck.

Based Vita. No need to get a PS4.

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The ski trip isn't in the base game

No but she still spends the night with you, do you think you spend all night comparing case files?

No, you spend all night nipple docking, according to the watch.

Why would a PC gamer need an XBone?

Yes? There is no sex in Persona games you dumb fuck, everyone is still a virgin. The most you ever do is kiss and hug and cuddle, there is no visuals or audio implications of sex

Isn't P4 the worst one?

Unironically half the reason why I recently bought an OLED Vita was to play this, the other is to pirate everything. Pretty comfy so far, never owned a PSP either so this is nice.

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Nah, that's Persona 3.

My friend gave me his Vita back in November along with P4G, but now that I've finished it, I don't know what else to play on it


Nah, that's Persona IS

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Any updates on the Vita emulator guys? Last time i checked it was possible to battle at a very low framerate.

Lurk the discord and answer your own question, that's what it's for.

I'm guessing vitagen is still too full of themselves to include a note for Catherine getting english assets ported from PS4 whenever they update this next.

It's gonna take at least a decade before P4G is playable

Damm, thank god i managed to find a good PSTV for 18 bucks and P4G is only 10 bucks on digital.

Yes the blacksheep of nusona.

Yeah for a lot of reasons

Fyi, most of Yas Forums hates it for some reason

Looks gay

Vita emulator is making strides everyday, soon I'll be playing my free copy of P4G and catherine full body just to be able to truthfully say they suck on Yas Forums.

Vita is a goat handheld though

Post proof, i would rather not use discord.

If by "soon" you mean "in ten years"

Whatever happens is whatever I decide happens, the fuck are you going to do to stop me?

Yas Forums hates it because it was the popular cool one that all the normlfags liked for a solid 6 years before P5 took its place

>*emulates in your path*

So now Yas Forums hates p5 and is why there are 3 "un-rape" threads full of literal bluepilled people

Cool fanfiction, bro.

>Emulating P4G
>On PC

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