Not a Troll
How could the Nvidia shield run a Session of crysis with the Same processor while Switch Games Look Like this
Why is the Switch so weak ?
It's not using an AMD APU. ARM has very low IPC and nvidia's mobile GPUs are firebombs. Both were combined in this case which yielded to god knows what kind of multi-core performance (maybe pentium 4 best case scenario).
So in the end the GPU is constantly throttling hard as fuck and the CPU bottlenecks the shit out of the GPU.
because it's a toy
its for normies and annoying japanese youtuber faggots
I don't get your question, new Witcher or old Crysis are about the same.
And the Switch has approximately the amount of performance you'd expect from a 2015-16 type mobile chipset [this is closer to what was possible at the time than what Nintendo has settled on for hardware quite many times in the past].
Because Nintendo makes money on hardware and they don't really give a shit about graphics, and focus on other things.
Graphics aren't nearly as important as gameplay and Nintendo can get away with selling a weak phablet as a console because their games are actually fun.
The graphics wars literally ended in like 2009 you faggot. Nobody gives a fuck and the proof is that the Switch sells well.
Would you like the Switch to cost $700 instead?
expecting powerful hardware from Nintendo have you been asleep that last 30 years
>why is nintendo so weak it literally can't do graphics
feels like I've heard this before
It's built very cheap too. I recenty purchased one and the joycon was wiggling really bad. It feels like a cheap tablet to be perfectly honest
It's running gimped 2015 mobile hardware with half the memory bandwidth ps2 had. What did you expect exactly?
Why the fuck is Crysis still mentioned in 2020? Fuck off.
Because it still hasn't been topped by anything else in technical or kinesthetic ambition and competence, and will not be until star citizen finally releases.
It’s a mobile PS360 tier console with extra RAM. It’s $200 and mobile. What more do you want?
Actual answer: clockspeed
Nvidia Shield TV
CPU: 1.9 GHz
GPU: 1.0 GHz
Nintendo Switch
CPU: 1.0 GHz
GPU: 768 MHz docked, 307-460 MHz handheld
That's for the launch models, though. Newer revisions have higher clock speeds. Overclocked launch Switch shows noticeably better performance
Daily reminder that it prints money
Newer revisions have identical clock speeds. The more efficient process is used to save battery and reduce heat only.
>It's not using an AMD APU
It would draw more power if it did. The switch is unironically pretty powerful for being basically a mobile phone.
Its sold out everywhere.
2019 Shield TV has higher GPU freq
Aren't current phone SOC's literally more powerful, though?
They’re also a lot more expensive
Yea. Current phone socs are more *powerful* than the old phone socs, but they don't have nvidia hax.
Because East Asians produce horrible Software?
Just look at their language, a culture that uses such an inefficient writing system couldnt produce viable software.
>East Asians
The Witcher is by poles.
>Nobody gives a fuck and the proof is that the Switch sells well.
not a gamer faggot but I agree with this statement.
Imagine using iPad Pro hardware in the switch
>Why is the Switch so weak ?
thiswiki explains exactly why nintendo hardware is limited:
Yes the sole sub par contribution of Poles to world.
However I talked about the Switch, piss off Pawel.
nintendo are a toy company
The iPad Pro is unironically more powerful lmao
It was quite powerful for a handheld in 2017 and compared to previous Nintendo handhelds. In my opinion it just needs a 1.2-1.4GHz CPU clock mode to make it more balanced.
ipad pro can run fortnite past 60hz, xbox and playstation cant currently do that. ipad pro hardware would make an excellent switch upgrade.
im hoping they significantly improve the next switches performance, theres plenty of capable chips out there now.
I've got an iPad pro (mostly for reading news and shit before bed and on the shitter but I've tried some gayms and it's pretty fucking amazing.
That hardware must surely fit into a handheld of some sort.
That's because ps, and xbox fell for the amd meme. They must have gotten a really good price.
its running at half the clockspeed, even while docked
They dont need to do that.
Nintendo Soi bois would literally buy a Snes for 400$ becuase le epic NINTENDO
You don't need top end tech to play mario party 4 billion
Because it has to balance power with battery drain and heat, but most importantly price.
But Witcher is the only reason to consider it, but also what makes it worth existing unlike the other consoles that are just crippled PC that get exclusives to bind consumer drones into their store.
Why can't they give it a try desu? They have faster mobile hardware than current gen consoles before "4k" upgrades. They have the pull to get themselves some exclusives and ports. And they started pushing their Arcade shit.
Some sort of handheld with A13 would cost them barely more than new SE, they could sell it for 700 because gaymers are coonsumer drones, and it'd be still a great deal.
Why do idiots try to apply PC-esque upgrade logic to consoles?
A console is supposed to use one or two year old hardware in whatever form factor it's built for. It's not supposed to upgrade for generic reasons, only extremely specific ones.
Oh look that's what happened.
Holy fuck Nintendosois are fucking retarded
>implying I ever owned a Nintendo device past the SNES
Their current ones are just the only ones worth buying. I'd prefer a real PSP 2 but that just doesn't exist and Vita is a no games joke.
go back to Yas Forums you pussy ass bitch, nobody cares about your dilation methods
>Vita is a no games joke.
So it's just like the first PSP.
A13 is a fucking meme, it gets its shit kicked in by the Snapdragon 865.
>b-but muh paid applel geekbench scores!!!
First PSP had GTA at launch. That alone made it worth buying. Also THU2 Remix and Burnout came out pretty early on. Look at the Vita launch, it didn't even have a real Fifa but some crippled version.
Plus obviously it was unlucky to come in time when hardware started to improve massively from year to year while PSP was pretty unique in that performance tier.
There are scores for actual games or tasks. A13 is like two generations ahead of any other ARM chip beyond the stuff in Amazons servers which isn't of interest for consumers. Qualcomm hasn't made a competitive chip in a decade and only exists due patent trolling that would make Oracle feel bad.
Dude, even on Geekbench, which heavily favors Apple devices, it gets its ass handed to it in GPU tests. The Adreno GPU is a fucking monster.
Lol faggots
The vita is the best handheld out there currently. Stick cfw on it and you have a high quality cheap gaming, that has the entire ps1, psp and vita library available plus emulation. With twin sticks that aren’t shit.
And now look at actual performance. Even gaymer phones with active cooling can’t get close to A12. A13 only competes with tablet stuff like A12x.
No, the PSP had nothing except Monster Hunter and that's it. The other games you're mentioning are shitty ports you may as well have played on PS2.
Only dirty poorfags care.
Having some ps1 and psp games people already played is worthless. Emulators are neckbeard shit. And the few Vita games that exist are jokes.
Just let it go, user. I’m prolly more sad than you over how badly it sucks but it doesn’t justify coping bs.
How do I play GTA on my ps2 when traveling?
simply not an argument
Enjoy your cheap bendy chinkshit with a garbage display if you want to.
PSP wasn't a traveler's console either, user. It had like an hour and a half of battery life, a shit screen, and headphones were basically required.
I had one, too, it was shit and if it wasn't for the fact that I could play Genesis and Gameboy games on it then I would have sold it a lot earlier.
>It had like an hour and a half of battery life,
Try 3-5. Plus you could just replace the battery and play on. Also it's not just about playing on the run but in the hotel room too.
>a shit screen
Best tech available back then. Fine unless you play under direct sunlight.
>headphones were basically required
The speakers were fine for what they had to do.
No one needs an argument against the Vita. The sales show how useful it is pretty well.
Nintendo should have bought snapdildo 835 and call it a day.
Even without nvidia low level access, it's way faster.
It's also stupidly expensive. Why do you think everyone tries to get away from them? It's telling that Nintendo were forced to go to another notoriously shitty company no one likes.
it already does with it being in high demand and out of stock
>when your game performance tanks it has to run at 360pee
So? Better to play Witcher with 360p on the run than not being able to play it at all.
It's underclocked to not heat and to increase battery life. Also what you are seeing is one of the most graphically demanding games PCs had in 2015, running on a SoC that's much worse than what we have on flagship phones nowadays, it's a fucking miracle that it runs at all. Meanwhile you can run Crysis 3 on a mobile Intel HD Graphics from 2014 on low settings at 30fps, while the same runs The Witcher 3 at fucking 2-3fps.
If you they wanted a flagship phone priced console, sure. Also, no fucking drivers, Qualcomm shit is just terrible to work with. Why do you think we don't have decent games at all on phones? Have you seen how ugly are the best looking mobile games even on flagships and how they still run like shit?
triggered Yas Forumsermin
the switch may be weak but that game looks amazing and far from anything you will see in any cellphone. Of course to reach that level of quality the devs had to cheat left and right so it looks decent and runs at more than 20fps, but it's still a pretty good achievement.
Compare that to game boy advance late 3D attempts and you'll understand how far mobile power has come.
Gayming is for cucks, Incels and outcasts. Nintendo is the king of cucks. Just look at every switch forum out there, full of pathetic losers
Unlike /g/ ... wait.
:> Crysis vs Witcher
You're a faggot alright.
Now compare Metro Redux vs Crysis on PC vs Metro Redux on Switch.
It's not so much of a miracle that a fairly graphically demanding game might run when you remove most of said demanding graphics for the swich version. But they did an ok job, sure.
Who cares, a lite costs 200€ and the games are good.
>comparing handhelds to desktop
Big brain move.
Though shooters on consoles are useless either way tbqh.
PS2 memory bandwidth is massive, it rivals DDR3/DDR4, but it's basically the only reason it can output the graphics like it does, it only had 4MB of VRAM when other consoles of its generation had over 4x that. Even the shitty DC had 8MB.
It still looks pretty nice. And obviously it is a very impressive job. Try modding Witcher to make it run on technically faster Intel integrated GPUs.
It's getting a remaster
>one game runs at a better refresh rste so it must be the hardware and nothing to do with it being a proper port on one system and abandonware on another
>blindly comparing refresh rate when not locked to the same fidelity settings
Since you are that retarded let me dumb this down for you: fortnite on the ipad pro is a mobile port with a fuckton of man hours behined it and objectively worse graphics and textures.
The gamecube trumped the ps2 back in the 6th gen tech wise but Yas Forumsags didn't buy the damn thing which in turn made nintendo consider less powerful hardware to save cost and focus on the whole "innovation" meme (Ala motion controls and HD Rumble and that sorta crap)
Retard? Of course fortgay mobile runs fine on am ipad, its graphics are 2007 and its not the same build as the shitty console port.
Fortnite is literally the MOST SUCCESSFUL and mechanically DEMANDING video game in human history.
Go play Minetoddler, KEK.
>and its not the same build as the shitty console port.
Yes it is.
It runs about the same as you would expect from a low clocked GT730, which is basically what the Tegra has, the only issue is the CPU bottleneck, that is massive. Tegra CPU is fucking garbage for today's standards, it's worse than what you can get on low end phones nowadays. Now make that run The Witcher, a title that is known for being very CPU demanding, their job was impressive to say the least. And the Crysis comparison was just dumb, even crippling The Witcher graphics to an extreme on PC, to the point it looks like an early PS2 game, you still won't get much over 15fps on a the same machine that can run Crysis 3 just fine.
There is also Civilization 6. Literally same game. Runs better on an iPad than on gaymer laptops.
got a switch recently and it's actually fun. well, the ninentdo games are. the AAA western games arr boring after 10 minutes. I'll take mario all day. good thing i hacked it so no priblem sorting through the muck.
The iTurd version of gaynite looks worse than the Switch version lmao
didn't know we had literal 12 year olds on /g/
Almost like it has to run on iPhones far older than the Switch.
>Tegra CPU is fucking garbage for today's standards
It is still equal or better than the Jaguar cores in the PS4 and Xbone
>it's actually fun
Nintendo games are nostalgic, I hadn't enjoyed a LoZ game since Wind Waker but BotW was "fun" for me. I wouldn't call it a good game though and the graphics and gameplay are both pretty lousy. Pokemon and Fire Emblem have been completely ruined on Switch, the former being mostly because GF (and several of Nintendo's other developers) seem incompetent at making games for current-gen hardware.
just bought a lite for $220 on ebay so no
Doesn't count, but I agree, I have never seen Switches out of stock anywhere near me, and have even seen Lites on discount clearance racks at a local Target
toy for overweight 35 year olds
don't fool your self, children and zoomets hate switches
>NOOOO! it has to run on older phones too!
>what do you mean, my iShit is worse than a Switch? IT CAN'T BE
I'm not sure what kind of shit you're smoking. Nvidia has always made the most efficient mobile GPUs for a given time. AMD's gpus up until rdna were so inefficient only Apple would really use them to match their intel housefire CPUs. As for ARM it's been competitive with x86 for a while now. The graviton2 is a76 based not even a77
>garbage by today's standards
show me another dedicated video games handheld comparable to the switch then I'll wait :)
Ultimately, all you're really doing is r/PCMR graphics whoring, on /g/ no less.
I'd tell you to go, but this board deserves you.
imagine having literally nothing else to do other than to sit on Yas Forums and cry about toys you don't like. loooooool
nah, it can't even scratch a C2Q, so it doesn't even come close to a 8 core Jaguar (Tegra X1 is a quad-core). Hell, it even bottlenecks the Switch's GPU in some games, specially The Witcher 3.
Switch and Vita actually have a lot of parallels. If you love Switch, you should like the Vita
expensive proprietary memory and no games, no thanks lol
I'm talking about the SoC, you braindead moron. Just look up benchmarks, Nvidia Shield TV runs on Android so there's plenty of them to compare. Here's an example:
Don't forget that Switch is using a underclocked version of that.
They have basically nothing in common. Switch is a proper console that can also function as a portable, it doesn't use proprietary hardware and has actual games. The only purpose of Vita is playing weeb shovelware, and only retards like that shit.
I'm waiting :)
Not expensive anymore, and the newer Vita has memory built in making playing on a cart viable without needing a memory card.
Switch and Vita share a catalog of weeb shovelware with Switch adopting games popular on Vita like Disgaea. Both are portable and have similar button layouts.
>it doesn't use proprietary hardware
Here's your $70 plus tip controller with drift issues out of the box.
The "Vita has no games" meme is retarded, I could easily dismiss every Nintendo console as only having Nintendo titles made for ten-year-olds and thus having nothing of value for consumers over twelve but you manchildren will fight me on that.
Waiting for what? I we are talking hardware here, I never said that the Switch isn't impressive or anything like that, quite the opposite. It's the post child of what software development should look like, people doing amazing things with the hardware they have to work with. Despite phones having much better hardware nowadays, they don't have a single game that can even come close to any AAA on Switch.
yeah if you can find one, but it's still much much weaker than the switch and with no gaems holy cope.
Doesn't matter that it's weaker, it was made years before switch and now Switch is loved by nintendies for the same reasons they hated Vita. Nintendo doesn't have games, they rehash the same IPs to death and sell on nostalgia that makes manchildren believe they're having fun